Some dame is probably tugging at her braid, right now.
It's kind of sad I've never read a Robert Jordan book and yet I know exactly what this references.
Some dame is probably tugging at her braid, right now.
"Thank you, Mat Cauthon." (As if a Robert Jordan reference was gonna slip by me.)
I know my whole band is going plus some. It's like a dream come true to have Hammerfall and Stormwarrior in one night!
I'm really not thrilled about Delain. One female fronted metal band gets thrown a bone most years; why, next year, did the most mediocre band in the genre have to be picked? I can think of 20 better, more deserving bands.
Then go put on your OWN festival. And good luck with THAT attitude.
Please read, and then re-read Glenn's post about Delain.
Some people just don't get it, and for a newbie, your attitude is highly offputting.
If this is the way you're going to act on Glenn's forum, please stay home next year.
Okay, I'm sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. I'm better now. The original text of this post was MUCH worse btw, but I thought better of it.
Perhaps a little thought should go into your posts in the future too!
I'm on book three and can't put the damn thing down.
Unfortunately, another couple of books ahead, you will not have this problem.
Stay on topic please.
I haven't done one of those in a few years, but I may have to sit down and write something up this weekend.
I haven't done one of those in a few years, but I may have to sit down and write something up this weekend.