Where will you be when...

Illusion Suite: Seats
BlackGaurd: Elsewhere....
Leave's Eyes: Seats
Seventh Wonder: As close as possible, depending on the sound level/quality, jumping around like a madman!
Tyr: In and out, just for a giggle
Nocturnal Rites: Elsewhere
Kamelot: On the floor, as long as I can hold out
Announcement for 12: Seats

StormWarrior: Recovering from Friday night
Oceans of Sadness: Elsewhere
DGM: Floor, headbanging
Delain: Floor, ogling AND headbanging
Tarot: Seats, want to give them a chance
HammerFall: Anywhere but here

A lot of this is tongue-in-cheek, so don't get offended if I've insulted YOUR band. :u-huh:
Illusion Suite: Seats
BlackGaurd: Seats
Leave's Eyes: Vendor room
Seventh Wonder: Front and center on the floor!
Tyr: Hotel
Nocturnal Rites: making my way back from the hotel (near the end of their set)
Kamelot: Seats
Announcement for 12: Screaming for all bands...

StormWarrior: Seats
Oceans of Sadness: Seats/vendors room depending on the first couple of songs
DGM: Front on the floor
Delain: On the floor
Tarot: Seats
HammerFall: Sleeping at the hotel
Interesting. I thought there were an incredible amount of people in the pit for these bands because an incredible amount of people sponsor them. I won't speak for anyone, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Oh, I hadn't thought of that. You're probably right. Well, I'll at least be there for my alloted two songs. Assuming Glenn still has that rule in effect - VIPs can be in the pit for two songs, except for their sponsored band, where it's the full set. Either way, I'll still be there, as close to the front as I can get, with my flag. :)
The way it's gone for the past few years with my friends, we try to get on the rail for bands we really want to see on each day. That usually means being on the rail for bands that are not as desirable in order to keep a spot. This year, my first rail-essential band is Seventh Wonder.

Illusion Suite: Floor
BlackGaurd: Floor
Leave's Eyes: Rail...ugh. I've seen L.E. 3 times and have been bored every time, unfortunately. They're not the worst band, but I will try to be close to the rail during them so I can prepare for S.W.
Seventh Wonder: Rail, enjoying every minute
Tyr: Rail, losing my voice singing along
Nocturnal Rites: Rail, preparing for Kamelot, not really too familiar with all of their material, but likely enjoying their set.
Kamelot: Rail, in awe of my favorite band killing it, once again.
Announcement for 12: Wherever I can stand comfortably, going crazy for whichever bands are crazy-worthy.

I do want to be on the rail for OoS, so...

StormWarrior: Rail, enjoying myself
Oceans of Sadness: Rail, growling along
DGM: Vendor, not too interested.
Delain: Floor, hoping I can get on the rail for Tarot.
Tarot: Close to the Front as Possible
HammerFall: Rail, or as close to the front as possible, headbanging, fist pumping, and singing along to my favorites (if they play them)
Nice thread topic:

Illusion Suite: Floor. Looking forward to this one.
Blackguard: Seats to start. Never heard them, so I'll listen for ten minutes, edging closer to the exit, and then leave to grab dinner
Leaves Eyes: Yawn. I've seen them before. Dinner time. Stop back at the bar on the way back to remind Zod that he was supposed to be actually watching a band for a change.
Seventh Wonder: Back from dinner early in case they start early. High expectations here.
Tyr: Floor to give 'em a good shot. I like a chunk of their music (especially the newest album). Other stuff gets boring. I'm thinking that they'll be energentic enough live.
Nocturnal Rites: Closer to the front (luckily I'm tall and can usually get a good view). Should be a fun set.
Kamelot: Always worthwhile. The front.
Announcement: On the floor, hoping for certain bands (Falconer, Mob Rules, Voyager, Oliva). More likely listening to the annoucements, thinking "Who?"; "Really?" . . . and knowing that I'll be here next year regardless.

Stormwarrior: Back of the floor, enjoying the cheesy generic power metal for what it is and not trying to think too much.
Oceans of Sadness: Seats to start. This, like Orphaned Land, is a band that I want to like a lot more that I actually do like. I suspect I'll bail halfway through to run back to the Artmore and inhale some leftovers before the long evening, starting with:
DGM: Back of the floor. These guys have grown on me.
Delain: Back of the floor. I didn't expect to like them, but the music is damn catchy.
Tarot: Floor. Like Brainstorm, not a band I listen to often, but I'm expecting to be great live.
Hammerfall: Floor, for as long as I hold out, provided I miss the PP Rot this year. Last year I was getting sick and bailed on the last 30 minutes of Fates. This year, I am vowing to GET SOME SLEEP and not get sick. I know, I know. Good luck, eh? I've seen Hammerfall and thought they were a little boring, but I'm expecting more from them at PP.

After all of that, I get a few hours sleep before flying home just in time to catch the Eagles season opener against the Packers, and hopefully not explaining to my wife that I got sick yet again at PP

Steve in Philly
Tyr: Floor to give 'em a good shot. I like a chunk of their music (especially the newest album). Other stuff gets boring. I'm thinking that they'll be energentic enough live.

Their live set has gotten increasingly better as they've done subsequent tours in the U.S. Much more energy than the first time I saw them. Plus, look forward to what they'll be wearing on stage. Not to be missed.:rock:
Illusion Suite: Floor or seats depending on visibility
Blackguard: rail :-P wife's favorite
Leaves Eyes: Floor or seats depending on visibility - Love Alex and Liv
Seventh Wonder: vendors (at least watch first 2 songs)
Tyr: Floor or seats depending on visibility - havent seen them yet but really like the last 3 albums
Nocturnal Rites: Floor or seats depending on visibility - havent seen looking forward to it
Kamelot: Floor or seats depending on visibility - always great
Announcement: Whereever, i mean its on the video screen anyways not hard to see :-P

Stormwarrior: Floor or seats depending on visibility - very excited to see Gamma Ray again ...;-)
Oceans of Sadness: Vendors (at least watch first 2 songs)
DGM: Vendors (at least watch first 2 songs)
Delain: Floor or seats depending on visibility - Enjoy their stuff not super stoked but will be a good show i think
Tarot: Floor or seats depending on visibility - Old Tarot fan, this will be great
Hammerfall: Floor or seats depending on visibility - seen them a few times already, always great live.
Illusion Suite: Not sure
BlackGaurd: Floor
Leave's Eyes: Floor
Seventh Wonder: Not sure
Tyr: Floor/Rail
Nocturnal Rites: Floor
Kamelot: Depends on alcohol level
Announcement for 12: Screaming for all bands...

StormWarrior: RAIL!!!!!
Oceans of Sadness: Vendor
DGM: Vendors
Delain: Not Sure
Tarot: Floor
HammerFall: Rail
So are the seats available to everyone?

IF so ill be like this :)

Illusion Suite: On the Floor hopefully not still dragging from the Vortex! still have to do some homework on them to really decide
BlackGaurd: ill probably watch these guys from some middle/back floor or middle seats. Pretty good live show, they did better than Ensiferum when they were on that tour!
Leave's Eyes: Somewhere Far Away. they were Terrible last time i saw them. Vendors and Bar!
Seventh Wonder: dont know yet, more than likely in the middle somewhere seated or standing, ill give them a few songs. for some reason they still dont "click" with my ears. hopefully a live set can make me a fan :)
Tyr: Watching Miles act like a retard because he has always wanted to see them. Somewhere in the Center.
Nocturnal Rites: Smack Dab in the Middle Back Standing!
Kamelot: Same as above. i like getting almost a sound board level place that i get the perfect mix from.
Announcement for 12: Dont know? LOL hopefully somewhere where i can hear!

Oceans of Sadness: mehhh not my cup of tea *Ducks
DGM: Beer, Merch, you name it, but will catch a song or two
Delain: Very Curious to see how she is live, BAck and Center
Tarot: Back and Center, Will give them a few songs
HammerFall: Probably right in the front with keith, kevin, and miles singing along hopefully slightly ineebriated! what other better way to enjoy a hammerfall set eh?
Yay that almost no one plans to be on the floor for Leaves' Eyes, means I can hopefully get closer to the stage :D I've wanted to see them live more than any other band for over three years now and I want the best experience possible, even though their set is so short.
Illusion Suite: Prob stuck in traffic
BlackGaurd: Seats
Leave's Eyes: Floor
Seventh Wonder: Floor
Tyr: Seats
Nocturnal Rites: As far up as I can fucking get
Kamelot: Seats for a song or two and then out the door.

Most likely not attending the other day.
Illusion Suite: On the floor
Seventh Wonder: On the floor - I've heard great things about these guys...
Kamelot: trying to get as close as I can and see!!!!!!
Announcement for 12: Screaming for a band or two and watching everyone else freak out - which is really better than having my own freak out...

DGM: Getting as close as I can to see these guys!!!!!!
and I promised Leah I'd check out Tarot so I'll be on the floor...
Despite planning for 10 months that I absolutely was not gonna come this year, my cousin and I couldn't stay away. I'm pretty sure we're gonna end up making it after all.

Illusion Suite: Floor
BlackGaurd: Probably gonna grab a bite to eat at this time, or check out the merch.
Leave's Eyes: Whatever I didn't do during BlackGaurd.
Seventh Wonder:As close as possible. Almost entirely worth the trip across the country.
Tyr: Still not sure, I'll have to be drunk to actually enjoy them, so we'll see.
Nocturnal Rites: I'll be on the floor since they have that best set of the weekend potential, but I can't say I'm a fan of their material.
Kamelot: On the floor hoping for an awesome setlist. I hope this isn't reminiscent of Sonata's set a few years ago where their set was 100% identical to what they did on tour, maybe even with less energy.

Announcement for 12: Going fucking bonkers for bands that I only casually listen to.

StormWarrior: I'm about to spin Heading Northe, I'll come back to this. Either on the floor or seats.
Oceans of Sadness: On the floor, this'll probably be one of my favorites of the weekend.
DGM: I'll spend more time with FrAme and decide, most likely seats.
Delain: Floor for a few songs, then probably seats.
Tarot: Potentially the best set of the weekend and maybe ever. Floor for sure.
HammerFall: Depends on how tired I am. Probably seats though.