Songs you wanted to hear, but weren't played...


Sep 6, 2007
Mine are:

Oceans of Sadness - The Weakest Link
Nocturnal Rites - Afterlife
HammerFall - Legacy of Kings (At least they played Heeding The Call)
Tarot - Ashes To The Stars
DGM - Amazing Joourney
Tyr, "By the Light of the Northern Star" or "Into the Storm." I would've saved "Hold the Heathen Hammer High" as the last song of their set, too.

Tarot, "I Rule"

Kamelot, "4th Legacy"
Tarot - Follow the Blind
Hammerfall - Legacy of Kings
Nocturnal Rites - Change the World (although they did reference it :) )
Ross the Boss - Black Wind, Fire and Steel (Manowar)
Paradox- an entire set :lol:(sorry, still VERY bummed about the break-up):cry:

Nocturnal Rites- Still Alive, Ring of Steel, Fools Never Die, and many more.
Tarot- Bleeding Dust
Leaves Eyes- New Found Land, Farewell Proud Men
Kamelot- The Fourth Legacy, anything from the Mark Vanderbilt era.
Tyr- The Edge

I'm sure I'm missing something...

I can't complain about DGM's lack of older material because the band is completely different

Is it true that Nocturnal Rites did NOT play AVALON????????????????????

It was part of the encore that they didn't get to play.
Nocturnal Rites - Destiny Calls and The King's Command, my favorite two tracks off that album ..... though I'm not sure if I'd get the same buzz with Anders not singing those.
Nah, the encore was going to be Afterlife, Fools Never Die, Against The World. I have their setlist and asked them about it backstage. Johnny said they hadn't rehearsed Avalon for this show.

Ah, someone else told me differently, but if you have the setlist, I'll take your word over his.

Fuck....we missed Against the World?!?!
I'm shocked that there is no mention of Seventh Wonder - Paradise, considering how many times I heard the crowd shout it out to the band. My favorite song from Mercy Falls, and they didn't play it on either set. :(
Heading North - Stormwarrior (in a perfect world they would have played that again due to terrible sound on the first two songs)
Legacy of Kings - Hammerfall
The Fourth Legacy - Kamelot
The Encore set from Nocturnal Rites.