ProgPower USA XII: The Aftermath


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
Back to repetitive routines and the real world after getting 4 nights of living a fantasy. Back to work for those of you lucky to have jobs and what not.

So who else had exams on monday? How'd you do? I know I was trying to studying in between sets as the exam was announced officially on wednesday Luckily exams were moved to tomorrow but doesn't help much with two different classical band practices monday and tonight in different cities.
I'm still covered in sanding dust and sticky clear coat over spray just like last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. :(
I was 10 minutes late to my appointment today. Yesterday wasn't too bad, but was long as hell. Didn't wake up till 11.30 and I'm still tired. My ability to wake up on time this weekend is not looking positive.
I don't return to work til next Monday... I started (and am lucky enough) to take the week of and the week after ProgPower off 2 years ago so I can go all out at ProgPower with plenty of time to recover...
I'm back to saving the world from the abnormal pap smear and birthin' babies. My schedule is pretty slammed since I have a half week again this week. I'm going to be treading water.
I come back for a crapload of job interviews, since I might not have a job with my current company after Friday. Good thing is, there is a lot of interest in my skills.
I come back to...not much going on. Which is a damn shame because I've been putting in tons of job applications EVERYWHERE. At least 3 a week. I even put some in before leaving for ProgPower. So the PP aftermath for me is kind of dull. Disappointingly so.
I... put in my time off request for next year.

Which involves asking our functional supervisor, since my regular one is on extended medical leave, AND my coworker, who is back-up to the functional supervisor, if the office got by without me there. (The word on the street is that they got by without me, without the supervisor - the functional one is in less than 20 hours a week - and without a receptionist. I should be clear for next year by the end of the week.)

(Then it goes on record and no one takes it away from me)
Well, I took Monday off to simply unwind and relax (and check out some of this new music that I picked up during ProgPower - goddamn the new Haken and Voyager albums are friggan KILLER!).

Also, my fucking POS car is completely dead (at least I my truck still runs), so I am going to have to get that shit fixed. I keep thinking I may get a new one, but I really don't need a new one (especially with this one completely paid for, and I only got like 1 mile commute to work). Well, if it ends up costing a shit-ton of money to get it fixed, I may opt to get a new one.

But returned back to work today to a shit ton of e-mail to go through. Yup, back to project lead duties and implementing LTE scanning algorithms. But hey, was spinning the new Eldritch album in my office! :headbang:

After work, while working out at the gym and probably against my better judgment, went and listened to Vanden Plas The Seraphic Clockwork on my MP3 player and headphones. Holy shit, I just about did everything I could to hold back some tears when all those memories of seeing and hanging out with the guys came flooding back to me. God, how I already miss those guys!.
Currently entering a homework marathon mode. So much crap to catch up on and not enough time before its due AND sleep - business class which is easy, but takes a lot of time... music theory exam.. piano lessons . I got 4-5 hours before I need to get -some- sleep and head out at 8am.
After work, while working out at the gym and probably against my better judgment, went and listened to Vanden Plas The Seraphic Clockwork on my MP3 player and headphones. Holy shit, I just about did everything I could to hold back some tears when all those memories of seeing and hanging out with the guys came flooding back to me. God, how I already miss those guys!.
*sniffle* me too. :cry:

Not "officially" back to work until today. Now off to see what kind of mayhem the perps have been up to in my absence. Prolly the SOS. Allergies are at an all time high, so couple with PP hangover feeling less than myself. Going back to the gym Monday was pure torture, but the first time back always is. Glad I got it out of the way. Came home to an "extended family disaster" in the form of my disturbed brother-in-law being out on the street again. Had to cough up several hundred to help him out AGAIN. Like I had anything left in the coffers.

Yea, back to reality sucks. :bah: