ProgPower VII Anyone?

Snowy Owl said:
Oh yeah! Dio too! :lol:

Yes, AMBR is Ann Marie. They do post on the ProgPower forum I believe. They will be sponsoring Epica this year.

Hey! If we ever see Odin's Court hit the PP stage, maybe we could sponsor you! Anything is possible! I feel we are getting stronger everyday...the page is looking awesome so far, we have gotten replies back from more bands i.e. Engage, Scarz Within and of course Images Of Eden. This is gonna rule!

Yes, they both do. I definitely recognize their names. OK.

Cool! And honestly, to play that festival would be one of the greatest honors to share that stage with so many greats in front of so many friends!

Excellent! Glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear that your getting some cooperation from all these bands!

Cool! :rock:
eaeolian said:
Taxes? Isn't that what accountants are for? ;)
No, that's what Turbo Tax is for ;)

J-Dubya 777 said:
I was informed last week that you may have double duty. My longtime friend said h would in no way stop me from humping said leg, and quite possibly might join me on the other one! :lol:

Why ruin a good photo op? he says!

It's SOOOOOOOO going to kick ass!

Oh no!! Not two of you leg humpers! I'm going to need to call in for backup! :lol:

Hahahaha!! No, not the cows too! ;)

Yes, it is. AWESOME!!

J-Dubya 777 said:
This guy ruins ALL the fun! :)


Nahh... believe me, we'll have plenty of fun. ANd don't worry James will gladly help you with your annual Ron Kralik swirly!! :lol: Check for the puke first the next time though. The chunks in his hair were pretty disgusting! :Puke:
Rick Pierpont said:
Nahh... believe me, we'll have plenty of fun. ANd don't worry James will gladly help you with your annual Ron Kralik swirly!! :lol: Check for the puke first the next time though. The chunks in his hair were pretty disgusting! :Puke:

Bass players are SO much fun to pick on. Ron's an easy target!

At least the vomit was fresh,
could have been fermented/clabbard, or it could have been Shi......nevermind!

J-Dubya - Looking for a co conspirator! LOL!
I hope you all have a sweet time. I also really hope you will meet my buddies from Beyond Ear Candy, as I have praised you all highly to them. :)

One of these years I will be there too. 2 weddings and vacations will keep me away this time. I always wanted to go to Atlanta and see things like Turner Field, Stone Mountain and to go to the CNN building and poke fun at Ted Turner because I can't stand him. :Smokedev: