Programming bass guitar?


Mar 22, 2010
Hey everyone,

So i just got a 7 string guitar that i have set up in drop G. I have my set up to go from standard to drop C. I dont want to buy huge strings and go back and forth between them and light gauge. So i was thinking maybe midi bass would work.

Are there any good plug ins other than Trillian that do this? i just dont wanna drop that much cash on trillian.

I always need it to be an AU.

I guess as a last resort i could pitch shift the bass down......that would sound like ass tho.
Prominy SR5 is supposed to be great, but I belong to the " Get a cheap bass and do it yourself " camp TBH


The problem is - 70% of Metal Musicians can't play shit.

Edit: Cheap basses can be great, but the pickups won't be. EMG DC40's or Bartolini's aren't cheap. Neither are a pack of Pro Steels for every 3-4 songs.

To the OP:
Prominy is great. Hardcore bass is great too but they're pre-processed/mic'd up and shit so you can't do much.
Trillian is awesome. Broomstick ain't that bad. If you process appropriately, at least. And by that I also mean the low-end bridge between the kick, bass and guitars. Snares and Toms as well if you're going for a boomy/punchy drum tone.
i absolutely agree with the previews post
for electronic music a programmed bass will work
but for metal/rock definately wont so just buy a cheap one or ask someone else to record it for you
nothing like the original when it comes to guitars/bass etc
Before I got my cheap bass I used to rec the bass line with my guitar, the more clearly as I can then send it to melodyne and export it from here as a midi file. Then put it on whatever you want etc you can even pitch down the guitar line you used and blend the sounds... but well... playing da bass is easier, quickier and better
I'd rather hear Trillian than someone who can't play in time/tune.

Trillian sounds awesome if you're good at humanising but even then it can sound ridiculous with 16th notes at fast tempos. Doesn't always gel with the guitars either. Pitch shifting a 7 string guitar down sounds ridiculous but I heard a guy make it sound alright once.

Playing on guitar and pitch shifting down will probably gel better with the guitars but Trillian might sound better.

Just get a bass.