Progressive metal with lots of layers


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006
EDIT: I took the song down. The album is mastered and I don't want unofficial versions floating around.

Here's a sampler of the whole ep instead:

I'll post DIs and stems when the EP get's released.
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I think the guitars are high passed just a little too high, making them sound sort of brittle. It's not really detracting from the mix too much, but I think it would they would benefit with just a bit more low end.
Everything sounds quite good though. I'm thoroughly digging the tune, man!
I think the guitars are high passed just a little too high, making them sound sort of brittle. It's not really detracting from the mix too much, but I think it would they would benefit with just a bit more low end.
Everything sounds quite good though. I'm thoroughly digging the tune, man!

Hey, thanks! I'll check if I can make them sound better.
I agree about the guitars being on the thin side. Otherwise, fookin' love it!
Hi Ronixis!

Congrats to you and your bandmates!
Very impressive musical production! Fantastic guitar solo.

My first impression:

- Lead vocals needs more focus, sounds more like backings. Could be more closer. Guitars are dominating vocals.
- Guitar solo could be a bit more present
- Kickdrum is a bit too clicky (but drums are much better than on "This state of war")
- Bassguitar needs some featuring.

But this is my personal taste.
All in all: awesome production.
Looking forward to the album release!
I fixed the HPF-setting, even though it didn't change the overall guitar sound that much. It's probably best to leave it as it is, since I'm quite happy about the whole mix and I don't want to try to rebalance the whole song all over again. Thanks for the great feedback everyone!
Awesome track and production. Vocals=negative. Would love it more if it was an instrumental but hey that's just me. In no way taking anything away from your work. Great job.
The kick drum is a bit too thin and clicky for my liking but it's your mix and you probably love it/don't want to change it anyway.

I love this song btw, really atmospheric and dreamy. I love the cleans so much too.
I'd say this song is just about perfect.
Sounds great man i love the writing, but I agree with what has been said about the guitar, and i think the main vocal part could be just a little bit quieter.
Wow, amazing amount of good feedback! The master disc is now burned. I decided to not fuck around with the mix too much. One thing I changed was that I masterd the final song a tad quiter, since I felt this version was a bit too squashed when listened on cans.
i think it sounds great! much better than your last ep :D great songs but that metallica kick/snare kill me :lol: I would love to hear a remixed version with new drum samples :)