Progressive Metal

Is progressive metal....

  • Awesome

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Bearable

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Tedious

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Self Indulgent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
Madrigal.....I suppose I do look 'metal'....long hair, black clothes, lots of silver jewellery etc. Certainly if I wear any colour other than black to work I always get a few comments. :lol:

HAHAHHAHA... yeah, understandable then that you seem slightly "eccentric" to non-metalheads! I mean, especially in the UK you must be a rather rare species...? ;)
Like yours, 90% of my wardrobe is black as well -- and silver jewellery rules anyhow.... hehehehe... having "girly-talk" here; clothes, jewellery... *giggle*

To me, it's not important what someone looks like or how she/he dresses you know, for Metal lives in the heart, blood and soul -- but nevertheless I cannot deny liking the "metal-style"! :rock:
Originally posted by Blessed Night Child
I am also a female metalhead. There are not many true female metalheads but chics that are dating a guy into metal and all of a sudden she's a metalhead. LOL... NOT... But to you ladies.. Merry meet...... I am 30yo and been a metalhead since I was 12yo. No man got me into metal.... hehehe but the band was all men...hmmm does that count? LOL...... Take care.....MARY

Wooohooooaaeey! Hello Mary! There's indeed not many of us around and it's great to meet "true hearted" metalfemales here! With me, it was the other way round -- it was me who got my husband into metal back then and he now listens to even more "extreme" stuff than I do!! :lol:
Funny phenomenon are also those girls in the Black Metal scene who only go to concerts so that they can dress up in their fancy skirts and whatnot... when you ask them what bands they like -- the reply is a *shrug* !!!!
I find that most amusing I must say.
To me, it's about the music and the music only... (OK, I like dressing up a *little*, too -- but hey, it's METAL after all! :D
Hi Mary.......well met....indeed there are not many of us around. I like yourself have been into metal since I was in my teens.....I'm now in my mid 30's...GULP!! I have to say that a man did initially get me into the heady days of the NWOBHM.....I have alot to thank him for...I would hazard a guess though that he's not into it now...:lol:

Guess that kind of explains why I'm considered a bit eccentric a thirty something single mum with a long standing Government job...well people expect something a bit more conventional :lol: I guess I am a rare breed here in the UK..I know only one other female metalhead..I met her through Eagle who posts on this board..and she lives 100miles from me!!!

**Girly chat**I know what you mean about some of the female Black metal fans...I own nothing that I have to lace myself into...far to uncomfortable!!! I'm strictly into comfort.......jeans, t-shirts and boots....sorry fellas!!! :grin:

Another long post ..........:lol: guys have been going some in my absence! Great to see the conversation flwoing

"The tell tale tocking of the last cigarrette
marking time in the packet
as the whisky sweat lies like discarded armour
on an unmade bed...a familiar craving
is crawling in my head!

Madrigal...check your email. I think your inbox here is full!