Project Arcadia w/ Urban breed--new video

A lot of you got to see this early at ProgPower, but for those of you who missed it, here you go:

Very curious as to what those who picked up the album at PP think... I haven't seen many comments at all since then, and none on here, and I know a few people bought it. ;)


I'm really enjoying listening to Urban exploring and expanding his vocal horizons since his days in Tad Morose. The Trail of Murder release (Shades of Art) is his best work yet, IMO. Looking forward to getting the Arcadia disc and the Serious Black when it's released. Great to see his plate is full with music.

Here's another official video (ballad):

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Donna LOVES the album. She feels it is Urban's best work. I like quite a bit of the album, but it was a tad bit more mellow than I was expecting. But I will sing Urban's praises his voice, and you know...a pretty nice guy! :lol:
I picked it up at ProgPower, put it in my cd player yesterday, got through one song, and my stereo Pre-Amp fried and melted down! So, now I'm waiting for a new stereo component before cranking this cd, because from what I heard so far, Urban will melt my face off!
I don't want to listen to it on my iPod yet. I want to experience all of the nuances through a high quality stereo.
It was totally metal in a "dammit now I gotta buy a new component" sort of way.
This is twice its happened. The 1st time was a band called Powersurge and it fried my integrated amp
It is tough to pick what my favorite Urban Breed disc is......... As long as he stays away from Accept covers, I love everything from "Undead" (Tad Morose) onward, other than Nosferatu.... or however you spell it. I do appreciate this new release because we see some mellow stuff from Urban as well as some rockers. I also think from a purely technical standpoint, this is the most talented band Urban has recorded with. I love the disc. "I am Alive" is my personal favorite, but all the songs are strong on this one.

I pre-ordered this from Nightmare and it came in a few days before the release date, so I've had the chance to spin it a few (hundred) times. Anything Urban sings on is an immediate blind purchase.

So, the album mixes in the metal with some rock\AORish kind of tunes. Urban has never sounded better. "Here to Learn" is as much a classic Urban "metal" tune as any you can bring up from his catalog. The whole album is very well done and if you like anything Urban has done in the past, this is a must-buy album.
I picked it up at ProgPower, put it in my cd player yesterday, got through one song, and my stereo Pre-Amp fried and melted down!

While I hate that for you, that IS pretty fucking metal! :headbang:

Stan, it is a bit more mellow in places, but I found it really grew on me a lot. And besides, you can do what I do and start w/ the last track first--that way you get to hear it twice, and it rocks pretty hard IMO. :D

It is tough to pick what my favorite Urban Breed disc is......... As long as he stays away from Accept covers, I love everything from "Undead" (Tad Morose) onward, other than Nosferatu.... or however you spell it. I do appreciate this new release because we see some mellow stuff from Urban as well as some rockers. I also think from a purely technical standpoint, this is the most talented band Urban has recorded with. I love the disc. "I am Alive" is my personal favorite, but all the songs are strong on this one.


You didn't like Nosferatu? :guh: I thought that was an excellent album...Maiden worship, yes...but Urban sounds great on it imo.

I do like this new Project Arcadia. Honestly, it took a while for me to warm up to it for some reason though.

It's the next album on my list to buy. I'm totally digging every song they've made a video for, and I listens to the one on the sampler almost daily.
You didn't like Nosferatu? :guh: I thought that was an excellent album...Maiden worship, yes...but Urban sounds great on it imo.

Urban is the *only* thing listenable on that album in my "humble" opinion. :D They should have been paying royalties to Maiden and Helloween, and quite frankly, if I wanna hear that, that's what I'll listen to--with a real drummer even. :p It's just a blatant rip-off for the most part, and not nearly as well played. But of course YMMV and needless to say that's perfectly fine. :D

I do like this new Project Arcadia. Honestly, it took a while for me to warm up to it for some reason though.

I thought it was okay and then it really grew on me as well; I don't know why either (now that I love it). When you figure it out, let me know! lol

Love this disc. I've had it for a couple of weeks and given it several listens (it's been competing for time with the new Evergrey and Sanctuary which came in the same shipment).

The disc's lyric content really strikes me as much as the music listening to the disc. The lyrical themes just strike a "chord" with me at this particular point in time. As the album title suggests, change is constant and time waits for no man.

Favorite tracks ranked from #1–#5.:

1. A Time of Changes
2. Shadows of the Night
3. I Am Alive
4. Here to Learn
5. Timeless

I hope there will be a follow-up disc with the same lineup so they can build upon the chemistry they have going on.
Fabulous story about a fabulous time hopefully all of us have experienced during childhood, or when rising from the ashes to find oneself again.

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