Prom tomarrow.

Only thing is I wish my Dad could have been at the afterparty =( He would have loved it. Booze + Lake Winnepesaukee (sp).

Profanity said:
Are you nopt allowed out of town at the moment?

It's not a case of not being allowed, just not having the means to leave. Yet.

Me and some mates are gonna take a train to a random city and get pissed up there sometime over the summer, should be a blast :loco:
Marksveld said:
Prom was pretty shitty, but I had an alright time. Despite the feeling of being a third wheel most of the time, a couple of my good friends made the evening tolerable. I got to the after party that all of my friends were going to at 1AM... I left 25 minutes later and partied with myself at home (not in that way, u homoeslol).


Five layers of clothing makes you look even fatter.
