Proof that god doesn't exist!

‎1. If God exists, God is omnipotent, omniscient and loving-kindness.
2. If God is omnipotent, God can eliminate all evil.
3. Om God is omniscient, God knows that evil exists.
4. If God is loving-kindness, God wants to eliminate all evil.
5. Evil exists.
6. God doesn't.

meh, theres always a counter argument when it comes to religion, like he left evil as a test for us

lol cant believe im defending religion, but i think your logic is flawed :) (ironicly i enjoy playing the devils advocate)
Well Isolationfucker. Since I am an agnostic, I don't even care if god exists or not. It was a joke but people seem to be offended by it, so right now I just laugh. :)