Prop.s to PYRAMAZE


Mar 28, 2006
Thought i would share;

Recently found't know if i'm late to the party on this one...but i believe PYRAMAZE had a hand on starting or helping this site featuring the Scandi.Metal scene!
On there i found a band called COMMUNIC (2cd.s out) who are simply amazing & I would be surprised if PYRAWARRIORS did not like them!

Rock on Pyramaze & Scandi. power metal!!
Hey, thanks a lot muz, I've heard of Communic before but they didn't strike me although they were pretty good. On the other hand I found an amazing sounding band on the site called Anubis Gate. I went to their myspace and listened to some songs. They are a bit like Pyramaze with strong guitars and great epic feeling. They also have a great strong singer and some interesting ideas. It's sad I'm so young and poor, otherwise I would buy their CD, for now it just goes on my "To Buy" list that just keeps getting longer and longer...

Oh, and thanks Pyramaze for a great project, let's hope more great bands will join your cause :)!
Yeah...Anubis Gate is worth checking out! Funny you mentioned them...i was just listening to the song "Anubis" by Tad Morose (1-of my fav.songs)!

Anubis, i believe is an ancient Egyption God of the dead.Yikes!
If you are interested in more scandinavian music you might want to check out a band called Neon Diver(formerly Cliffhanger). They are not very known (yet) but there music is very good and Pyramaze-fans might like it. I know some of them so if anyone of you out there are willing to offer them a record deal then contact me:P
Scandinavia will rock your'e socks off!!
Checked out thier demo...they sound like Journey (great U.S.A. band) a bit too mello for me but they definitely have potential...that is if i found the Neon Diver your talking about?
You guys have probably heard this band but for someone who plays a little similar to the style of music on Melancholy Beast check out Lanfear "The Art Effect" When I say similar I mainly mean heavy balls slightly proggish melodic metal that's good.
Lanfear is good stuff w/great vocals...didn't know they've been around this long (93')."Another Golden Rage"cd(rel:05') sounds good also.
You guys have probably heard this band but for someone who plays a little similar to the style of music on Melancholy Beast check out Lanfear "The Art Effect" When I say similar I mainly mean heavy balls slightly proggish melodic metal that's good.

Wow, Lanfear sure sounds awesome, they do remind me of Melancholy Beast but in a nice different way. Goes on my "To Buy"-list again...
Checked out thier demo...they sound like Journey (great U.S.A. band) a bit too mello for me but they definitely have potential...that is if i found the Neon Diver your talking about?

Yes. That is right. They do play a bit more mello but like you say they do have lots of potential. One day they will take over the world :P
If you want something a bit harder you might like The Embodied ( They are no Pyramaze but you might like them :P
...Take over the world...what world??Actually thier style may take them more mainstream/popular...those bands however are not always the most talented or deserving?

truth, bitter or cruel?
Good luck to them...keep spreading the word!

...New singer?"BIG NEWS" was said to be coming? The only (rumored)thing i've read is poss. Matt Barlow formerly of Iced Earth?I think they could find a better fit than him.
I think that it's great that Pyramaze are trying to promote other Scandinavian bands so i figured i'd do the same :) Enjoy!
Enter The Hunt - quite intense and intersting with one of a kind vocals.(Sweden)
Leverage - ranked 11 on Says it all :) (Finland)
Machine Men - musicly a bit like Leverage. Just released a new album. (Finland)
Circus Maximus - proggressiv metal. Sounds like Dream Theatre. (Sweden)
Dream Evil - "The Book Of Heavy Metal" is a must have CD. (Sweden)
Dreamtale - has the same power as Pyramaze but not as epic. (Finland)
Entwine - a bit more "ordernary" rock/metal. (Finland)
Negative - not far from Entwine. Some great ballads. (Finland)

More metal to the people!!
Jesus, see what i've started...& i'm from the U.S.
Imagine if i lived in Scandinavia?

Is the beer cold or warm there?
AAHHH,music & beer is well as my fav.bands (Pyramaze & Communic),2 of my favorite sports figures are from Sweden, Peter Forsberg & my local fav.teams own, P.J. Axelson (hockey).

Pyramaze, Denmark...Communic, Norway,sorry, i was close?