Dear Pyramaze


Recording Engineer
Jun 14, 2007
Note: Is it just me or is Matt's thread like overloading with posts while the other members are lacking in the messages area? :blush: Also, this post is for ALL of Pyramaze not just Matt... just read the whole thing and you'll see....

Dear Pyramaze,

I've been a huge Iced Earth fan for a long time, and was heartbroken to see Matt leave the scene. Although I enjoy the Ripper as well, it was still sad to know that a talented vocalist oven donned the 'voice' of Iced Earth had left. One day searching for clips of the Alive In Athens DVD on youtube I see a message posted by someone saying: MATT'S BACK! HE'S IN A BAND CALLED PYRAMAZE! Well at first I thought it was a joke, I thought: "Pyramaze? Who the hell are they?" I googled you guys and found your site. Then I found out that it was true- he was back. Excited as I was, I didn't want to get too ahead of myself- for all I knew I wouldn't have liked your music? Upon further research, I read that some of Micheal's favourite bands were Iced Earth (duh), Nightwish and Blind Guardian- those were also my favorite bands for a very long time (and kind of still are- although I'm not too sure what Nightwish is like now with their new less-operatic singer and I disliked the new Blind Guardian CD) I read the rest of the band's profiles- and I found all of you interesting and true. Lots of people in bands act really cocky or do certain things to project a certain image (not going to be naming any...) and thats alright... Like what should I care if someone says that they like to fight and that everyone in the band is a bunch of bad-asses that rides motorcycles, has a bagillion tatoos and has all lost their virginity at the age of 12? How does that affect me? Not at all... not at all. But you guys are all working, and all seem like family guys- and I really respect that- it motivates me! As much as I look up to Jon Schaffer as a musician and all the crazy crap he had to go through to be where he is today- I respect you just as equally. Schaffer had to do something extreme and do assloads of hard work to get into the music business but you guys... really worked hard to get where you are and you still maintain having other jobs. It's almost like the band is just for fun- which it should be. It gives me hope that one day my little garage band will get a record deal. If there's any tips or advice you can give that would be great- although it probably won't differ from any other advice musicians give to aspiring ones. :p Anyways, before this mammoth of a message gets any longer... I'd like to say that all of you guys are awesome and that I wish I could find your cds easier... (I had to get Melancholy Beast off of eBay! Do you guys not distribute in Canada?) You guys are seriously awesome- all of you. Micheal and Toke- you guys have influenced me as much as any other guitarist has and have frustrated me many times when trying to learn your songs by ear (I can almost play Melancholy Beast and What Lies Beyond... but it sounds like shit! :lol:) Jonah, man I don't care what you say- there is no way there's a better keyboardist than you, you may look up to Tuomas or Janne but I think they should be looking up to you! Great stuff. As for Niels, your basslines are pretty sweet- I think I'm one of the few people that can actually hear the bass in a song perfectly and as a seperate part of the music, and although bass in metal is usually nothing too special, it puts up a solid rythm foundation and ear-raping loudness to Pyramaze music- for some reason the song Power of Imagination's bass seems to be alot more dominant (and I'm not talking about just the part that has the bass and rain playing- I'm talking the whole song!). Morten, keep up the good work- your drumming skills are excellent and I'm actually looking forward to hearing a drum solo in an upcoming song if possible. As for the long gone Lance King- well if he was still in the band (I'm not too sure why he left... but I have a feeling that it wasn't on good terms unfortunatley), then I'd have to say that he is a great vocalist- one of the best, and that I wish for the best on his future endeavours. And of course, Matt- rock on man! :rock: I'm pretty sure anything I say you've heard from everyone else on this forum. :lol:

Anywho, Pyrawarriors, I cannot wait to have my face melted by the power of your next album... (hmm how about that for an album name: Face Melter? :lol:) Best of luck, and kick ass! :kickass:

- Rockula
Aarrrrrrrghhhhh, I... can't... breathe..... Too... much...text. Just joking =D. Great that you're here mostly for the band and not just for Matt. I decided that I would try to make the question threads for the other members to overflow too, but then I couldn't think of any enough good question :/.
Yeah, I know what you mean- I felt kind of bad for the other band members 'cause Matt was getting so much attention! (Not that it's a bad thing) They probably don't mind though- I'm sure they all know that they are appreciated. Still from experience, knowing that people enjoy your art and having them positvely comment on it always feels awesome. :)
...a lead singer getting to much attention-no way get outta here???:rolleyes:

Honestly,in my opinion i feel that the PYRA-Boys have a certain kinda confidence in thier talent & abilities to make music.Whatever attention this band has gathered, it seems very possitive. New fans or critics 1st.impressions always seem to be..."Wow,Pyramaze is amazing"!

Wether its Matt,Lance or the Kid down the street singing for them, thier music does the talkin.

That being said- Matt obviously brings much to the party & the potential for something big is imminent!
Note: Is it just me or is Matt's thread like overloading with posts while the other members are lacking in the messages area? :blush: Also, this post is for ALL of Pyramaze not just Matt... just read the whole thing and you'll see....

Dear Pyramaze,

I've been a huge Iced Earth fan for a long time, and was heartbroken to see Matt leave the scene. Although I enjoy the Ripper as well, it was still sad to know that a talented vocalist oven donned the 'voice' of Iced Earth had left. One day searching for clips of the Alive In Athens DVD on youtube I see a message posted by someone saying: MATT'S BACK! HE'S IN A BAND CALLED PYRAMAZE! Well at first I thought it was a joke, I thought: "Pyramaze? Who the hell are they?" I googled you guys and found your site. Then I found out that it was true- he was back. Excited as I was, I didn't want to get too ahead of myself- for all I knew I wouldn't have liked your music? Upon further research, I read that some of Micheal's favourite bands were Iced Earth (duh), Nightwish and Blind Guardian- those were also my favorite bands for a very long time (and kind of still are- although I'm not too sure what Nightwish is like now with their new less-operatic singer and I disliked the new Blind Guardian CD) I read the rest of the band's profiles- and I found all of you interesting and true. Lots of people in bands act really cocky or do certain things to project a certain image (not going to be naming any...) and thats alright... Like what should I care if someone says that they like to fight and that everyone in the band is a bunch of bad-asses that rides motorcycles, has a bagillion tatoos and has all lost their virginity at the age of 12? How does that affect me? Not at all... not at all. But you guys are all working, and all seem like family guys- and I really respect that- it motivates me! As much as I look up to Jon Schaffer as a musician and all the crazy crap he had to go through to be where he is today- I respect you just as equally. Schaffer had to do something extreme and do assloads of hard work to get into the music business but you guys... really worked hard to get where you are and you still maintain having other jobs. It's almost like the band is just for fun- which it should be. It gives me hope that one day my little garage band will get a record deal. If there's any tips or advice you can give that would be great- although it probably won't differ from any other advice musicians give to aspiring ones. :p Anyways, before this mammoth of a message gets any longer... I'd like to say that all of you guys are awesome and that I wish I could find your cds easier... (I had to get Melancholy Beast off of eBay! Do you guys not distribute in Canada?) You guys are seriously awesome- all of you. Micheal and Toke- you guys have influenced me as much as any other guitarist has and have frustrated me many times when trying to learn your songs by ear (I can almost play Melancholy Beast and What Lies Beyond... but it sounds like shit! :lol:) Jonah, man I don't care what you say- there is no way there's a better keyboardist than you, you may look up to Tuomas or Janne but I think they should be looking up to you! Great stuff. As for Niels, your basslines are pretty sweet- I think I'm one of the few people that can actually hear the bass in a song perfectly and as a seperate part of the music, and although bass in metal is usually nothing too special, it puts up a solid rythm foundation and ear-raping loudness to Pyramaze music- for some reason the song Power of Imagination's bass seems to be alot more dominant (and I'm not talking about just the part that has the bass and rain playing- I'm talking the whole song!). Morten, keep up the good work- your drumming skills are excellent and I'm actually looking forward to hearing a drum solo in an upcoming song if possible. As for the long gone Lance King- well if he was still in the band (I'm not too sure why he left... but I have a feeling that it wasn't on good terms unfortunatley), then I'd have to say that he is a great vocalist- one of the best, and that I wish for the best on his future endeavours. And of course, Matt- rock on man! :rock: I'm pretty sure anything I say you've heard from everyone else on this forum. :lol:

Anywho, Pyrawarriors, I cannot wait to have my face melted by the power of your next album... (hmm how about that for an album name: Face Melter? :lol:) Best of luck, and kick ass! :kickass:

- Rockula

:lol: I wonder if you read my comments @ YOUTUBE regarding Matt joining Pyramaze. :rock:
Hey guys, just wondering what I have to do to get an interview with Matt (or one of the other guys) for a zine in Australia.

hey you can send me a mail with the interview ( and i well send it to the other duds in the band.:Saint: