What are some other bands like Pyramaze

what constitutes metal to be US style metal just out of curiosity?

A guitarist who actually can play rhythm, and not just noodle. That's what I would say. Most US guitar players want to be like Hetfield or Mustaine when they start playing, while the Euro's generally want to be like Yngwe. Just listen to Rhapsody's rhythm guitar parts. They suck.
Not trying to start an argument, but it seems that much of what "sucks" and "rocks" is a matter of taste. Rhaposody has a different style to their music that does not appeal to everyone (personally, they're one of my top 10). I think the lines are becoming increasing blurred between "American" and "European" metal. This is not necessarily good or bad, but suggests that musicians around the world have increasingly diverse influences and use these to influences to render their own manifestations of metal as they see fit. While categorizing music has some general applications, I have found it best to listen to whatever I can get my hands on with an open mind and resist the temptation of pre-judging or labeling any of it. Anyway, what I was getting at wa: give whatever it is a chance- what category it fits in is largely irrelevent.