
New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2006
I am a new HUGE fan of Pyramaze. What an amazing sound! Does anyone have any live videos of them? I live in New York and there is no chance of me ever seeing the band live (which really chaps my ass) . I heard the song "What Lies Beyond" and as soon as I did, I got Legend and Melencholy immediately. Lance King is BY FAR the best singer I have heard in a long time and more importantly, he sounds like no one else! the band is absolutely flawless as well. Since I sang for a long time, the singers always seem to stick out the most. If anyone has anything on video from Pyramaze, please let me know! Also, if anyone can tell me how to get in touch through email with Lance, I would love to chat with him!

Jeff_Richards said:
I am a new HUGE fan of Pyramaze. What an amazing sound! Does anyone have any live videos of them? I live in New York and there is no chance of me ever seeing the band live (which really chaps my ass) . I heard the song "What Lies Beyond" and as soon as I did, I got Legend and Melencholy immediately. Lance King is BY FAR the best singer I have heard in a long time and more importantly, he sounds like no one else! the band is absolutely flawless as well. Since I sang for a long time, the singers always seem to stick out the most. If anyone has anything on video from Pyramaze, please let me know! Also, if anyone can tell me how to get in touch through email with Lance, I would love to chat with him!


Hi dude!

You can try e-mailing Lance at his individual band address, but since we all get a lot of fan mail -and Lance gets tons of business mails too through Nightmare Records i can't promise that he will answer.

It's called:

Thanks for the nice words about the band.


Michael Kammeyer
