ProTools M-Powered problem


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
For some reason ProTools always shifts the timing of my recorded guitar tracks, so even though i am playing in time, the recorded result is out of time, buffer is as low as i can get it on my soundcard, but it only seems to have started lately, any ideas?
cobhc said:
For some reason ProTools always shifts the timing of my recorded guitar tracks, so even though i am playing in time, the recorded result is out of time, buffer is as low as i can get it on my soundcard, but it only seems to have started lately, any ideas?

what should have nothing to do with ProTools...more so your card...
yeah that should have not done running the latest drivers?
i dont know lol, i've not sat and figured out how out it is, i'm in time with the click when i record, but then playing it back, it's out of time.
When you're recording, have you got 'input echo' (or whatever it's called in ProTools) selected? It could be that what you're hearing when you record is going straight in and straight back out without being processed by the soundcard, whereas what's being recorded IS being processed, and hence there's latency. If you turn it off, what you hear will be the processed signal.

Also, if the buffer/latency of your soundcard is set to 0 then you'll get the same thing - the input is sent straight to the output and what you hear isn't what your computer sees, so even if you're in time when you're playing, the recorded signal will lag. Just put the latency up a bit (I'd guess about 30-40ms should be okay, but I don't know with your setup) and it should sort that.

It could well be a Direct Monitoring issue. You may be hearing what you play back in real-time, whereas the machine itself is experiencing latency.

Also, are you processing effects in real-time? Does M-powered have plug-in delay compensation? If not, that could be another issue.
well, m-powered 7 doesn´t have plug-in delay compensation.

In PT M-P 7, direct monitoring is accomplished by selecting it on the soundcard´s control panel plus muting the track being recorded and routing the input used directly to the physical stereo out.
well there's a few things for me to try, thanks a lot guys, can't do much at the moment as 2 of the tuners on my les paul are fucked, and i can't afford to replace them at the moment.
< smartass>

Ahh.... Ive seen this problem before and there is a quick fix.

Look in the top left corner of your screen.... does it says Pro Tools up thurr?

It should say Cubase.

Fix that, and you're golden.

< /smartass>