"There is mock information and situations that are not necessarily factual." - Front Page, BillyMilano.com
Truer words have never been spoken.
After scanning these threads loaded with 1950's-style ignorant debasing hatred, I have not found one valid contention substantiated by fact, just a few piles of grammar-stripped, ham-fisted McCarthyism, very little of which even amounts to what Dr. Barry Glassner refers to as "anecdotal evidence" in his book, <i>The Culture of Fear</i>. Most of this ignorant, uneducated, acrimonious white-trash invective appears to have no basis in fact or veracity, just a steady stream of spoken diarrhea by contemptuous, uncouth, Limbaugh-tomized morons who closely resemble the hate-spewing terrorists that they claim to be railing against. Any person with intelligence can recognize you as cowardly white loaves who appear to have dropped out of high school for an illustrious career as a food-preparation technician at the local McDonalds. Those of you with a strong work ethic and a perspicacious mindset have undoubtedly advanced to the rank of assistant manager by now, and I'm very proud of you. America needs hard workers, it's what our country was founded upon.
Most of you have never left this country, you've never been a white minority in someone else's homeland. Why should you leave, America is the greatest country on earth! Here, you can be a bellicose, uneducated moron and have politicians from wealthy families cater to your ignorance. Kids like me, and including me, joined the military out of high school because we couldn't afford college. A great deal of us were sent overseas, where we were privy to threats, curses, spitting, and even violence. People like you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the fucking problem. For all of your pugnacious threats and tough-talk, I can tell you right now that very few of your fat, stupid asses would make it through one week of basic military training. Get this - they make you run fast, exercise, carry heavy objects, and remember lots of information! They even make you take written tests that you have to study for! If you fail the tests, they don't send a note to your mother - You get punished for it! When was the last time that you did any of the above? Oh, wait, you lift heavy objects all the time - They're called "Kegs." I'll give you points for that one. Please, I implore all of you, read a fucking book. No, read two books. Turn off the TV.
In response to this statement, I invite you to cut and paste one of the following three ready-made replies and save your tired, Budweiser-soaked brain more undue wear and tear. Hannity's on tonight, tell him I said "Hi!"
A) U worthless liberal cunt, y don't u go back to France with your cowardly faggot friends and get the hell out of my country 4 good.
B) well, what do u expect when u read books by that filthy Jew and his my pals friends. u r the reason that America is dying slowly. VOTE BUSH!!!
C) i bet u were a pussy in the military. its because of anti-american pussies like you that we lost Vietnam. u suck, faggot!
Truer words have never been spoken.
After scanning these threads loaded with 1950's-style ignorant debasing hatred, I have not found one valid contention substantiated by fact, just a few piles of grammar-stripped, ham-fisted McCarthyism, very little of which even amounts to what Dr. Barry Glassner refers to as "anecdotal evidence" in his book, <i>The Culture of Fear</i>. Most of this ignorant, uneducated, acrimonious white-trash invective appears to have no basis in fact or veracity, just a steady stream of spoken diarrhea by contemptuous, uncouth, Limbaugh-tomized morons who closely resemble the hate-spewing terrorists that they claim to be railing against. Any person with intelligence can recognize you as cowardly white loaves who appear to have dropped out of high school for an illustrious career as a food-preparation technician at the local McDonalds. Those of you with a strong work ethic and a perspicacious mindset have undoubtedly advanced to the rank of assistant manager by now, and I'm very proud of you. America needs hard workers, it's what our country was founded upon.
Most of you have never left this country, you've never been a white minority in someone else's homeland. Why should you leave, America is the greatest country on earth! Here, you can be a bellicose, uneducated moron and have politicians from wealthy families cater to your ignorance. Kids like me, and including me, joined the military out of high school because we couldn't afford college. A great deal of us were sent overseas, where we were privy to threats, curses, spitting, and even violence. People like you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the fucking problem. For all of your pugnacious threats and tough-talk, I can tell you right now that very few of your fat, stupid asses would make it through one week of basic military training. Get this - they make you run fast, exercise, carry heavy objects, and remember lots of information! They even make you take written tests that you have to study for! If you fail the tests, they don't send a note to your mother - You get punished for it! When was the last time that you did any of the above? Oh, wait, you lift heavy objects all the time - They're called "Kegs." I'll give you points for that one. Please, I implore all of you, read a fucking book. No, read two books. Turn off the TV.
In response to this statement, I invite you to cut and paste one of the following three ready-made replies and save your tired, Budweiser-soaked brain more undue wear and tear. Hannity's on tonight, tell him I said "Hi!"
A) U worthless liberal cunt, y don't u go back to France with your cowardly faggot friends and get the hell out of my country 4 good.
B) well, what do u expect when u read books by that filthy Jew and his my pals friends. u r the reason that America is dying slowly. VOTE BUSH!!!
C) i bet u were a pussy in the military. its because of anti-american pussies like you that we lost Vietnam. u suck, faggot!