
Just wanted to stop by and tell you all that I'm proud to be playing on the new Vintersorg-album, and let me tell you that "Visions..." is way better than the old albums. Hell, I'm not even a fan of the old stuff, but the new one is absolutely killer! I'm also very proud to be playing with Steve D. - it's an old dream come true! We're both looking forward to record the next album which is already(!) written. Andreas must be insane...

- Asgeir
Originally posted by asgeir
We're both looking forward to record the next album which is already(!) written. Andreas must be insane...

Unbelievable!!! WHOW! >:eek:))) Vintersorg should
"do an Opeth" --> release a double album/two
albums at the same thime! >:eek:P Hehe....

Oh, and Asgeir; Great work on Empiricism!!! :eek:)))
It's an album that grows every time I listen to it!
Originally posted by Morgana
Indeed... I just love Empiricism...

Well, it's just weird, cause I didn't like it at all at first.
Quintessence was a masterpiece and thought nothing
could top it.... And Empiricism was just....different >:eek:P
But I HAD TO listen to it, and it just grows...
It's amazing.

I hear new things every time it spins in my cdplayer,
and still I enjoy the "old" things I already know.
The drum work on Empiricism is awesome, it's pretty much the stand-out of the album (well hey, I knew Vintersorg's work was gonna rock).

Man, the new album is just gonna be insane, soooooo many stellar musicians on it.
how does he do it??????
I mean, there's no time.......I feel like a shit in comparison with such a creative mind :p

fathervic (not even able to be compared)
Ciao Asgeir !
I am so pleased that this album is turned out the way it is. I am a fan of your previous works and cant waiting for the new Vintersorg. It is hard to believing that you are not a fan of the Cosmic Genesis, but thats great that you saying that the new one is better (!!!!!!!!) even more anticipation... !!!
This album is loaded with stellar musicians ,Vintersorg voice is of the best in metal now in the new era. The song and lyric are written like as of true poetry. guitars are brilliant ,and now we will hearing some innovative bass from the infiltrating americano ,no?
What a nice surprise to see Asgeir stop by! I think its safe to say we are all huge fans of yours here. I hope this will not be your last post.
Welcome ageir!:)

You have really your own way of drumming what I really like. btw I think you don't like the older albums much because the drums are not real, isn't it? Well..I prefer real drums too. Till Fjalls is great but with real drums it would be much better.

Oh, ..and who will play bass on the next album???
Yeah, If I was a drummer, I wouldn't be able to listen to programmed drums...great to see you here Asgeir, you have quickly become one of my favorite drummers (being that I only first heard you around the time A Sceptic's Universe was released.)

Another album already written? I think Andreas must be the busiest guy in music today! Wow!

Great work on Empiricism...I love how on Genuine Pulse you open it with a one foot pattern, then let the duoble bass come in when it fits, instead of lying on the double bass the whole time, like so many of todays metal drummers!

We've manished to interact with what I would call one of the best rhythm section within the whole metal field, Asgeir's drumming is totally magnificent, from the very blasts to every small technical and unusual patterns.

The expectations for "Visions from the spiral generator" increases, and I know I am responsable for that, just hope that the album lives up to the rumors and expectation, but even if people don't like it I will surley, it's a new and important step in the Vintersorg continuance......

Judgement day closing up, mixing starts next Monday at Toproom studios......
Originally posted by YMIR
..and who will play bass on the next album???
Originally posted by asgeir
I'm also very proud to be playing with Steve D. - it's an old dream come true! We're both looking forward to record the next album which is already(!) written. Andreas must be insane...
Answer your question... ?
You are right Vintersorg, the expectations are high indeed now..:D BUT I am sure it will be great!

Wheeeaaaa!! *me wants album NOOOOOOW*

-phyros ( sample? Can we pleeeeeease have at least a sample? )
great Asgeir!!
hope 'verdens-beste-trommis' is happy with what he have done for this time? :D

and by the way what is going on in the Spiral Architect lair this days? I've heard that the new album is not going to be recorded until 2003, is true? do I really have to wait so long?!
Yeah, the drums on the Vintersorg-album came out pretty good although I played through it only three times before entering the studio...

SA is reherasing only one day a week. Progressing slowly, but at least something gets done. We will record it - hopefully - in 2003. We're not in a hurry.

- Asgeir