A Couple Thoughts


Angry Metal Guy
Apr 18, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
I'd just like to say a) that I'm incredibly happy to see a Vintersorg forum! How cool is this!?!? Vintersorg = Absolutely incredible! And I'm psyched.

I was very disappointed when I was informed that Vintersorg would not be playing Milwaukee Metalfest! We were thrilled to hear that they were going to be there, and that we'd finally get to see them/him after being fans for this long while! However, I cannot wait for all the new material (4 ALBUMS!?!? THIS YEAR!?!?!?!?) that will be coming out! I'm psyched about Borknagar! I'm psyched about Otyg! Havayoth! and of course...Duh...Vintersorg!!

This will be an excellent year!!
Its so damn hard to keep up with him. It took me a while to get everything he has done thus far and now 4 more albums hehe. I am just glad he shares his great talent with us so much. I also heard about a possible DVD, that would rule. Now all he has to do is come play at Washington and I will be extemely happy :loco:
Originally posted by winter-frost
Its so damn hard to keep up with him. It took me a while to get everything he has done thus far and now 4 more albums hehe. I am just glad he shares his great talent with us so much. I also heard about a possible DVD, that would rule. Now all he has to do is come play at Washington and I will be extemely happy :loco:

Do you have any kind of scene there? Because my band is always looking to play shows. We're from Wisconsin so..heh. But if you want to check out a recent interview http://www.hmas.org.

Hey NovemberDirge,

I can imagine that you are disapointed...

I'm very lucky here in Germany! Really looking forward to the tour.
I have probs with the Otyg website, all I get is the first site, the java script doesn't work for me, I use IE5 but it still doesn't work. am I the only one with those probs? Anyone can tell me what I do wrong?....
I'm really sad that I can't visit the site. :confused:

Need help!!!
Originally posted by Morgana
I have probs with the Otyg website, all I get is the first site, the java script doesn't work for me, I use IE5 but it still doesn't work. am I the only one with those probs? Anyone can tell me what I do wrong?....
I'm really sad that I can't visit the site. :confused:

Need help!!!

What's their website!?!?!? :eek: