Video from Inferno

nope it was not :)
if you dont remember seeing him while we were standing on the front... I dont think i talked to him another time when we were together....
did not exactly expect that, it was ALOT of ppl there I knew... did not expect to meat so many from where i liv, but everywhere i turned i saw someone i knew... hehe :)
Hehe, know what you mean! :) I din't see too many ppl from where I live, but lotsa others. Ppl I dind't even know listened to metal! It was so funny! :) And so many relatives!!! At friday it almost felt like a family meetinng there, hehe! :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
At friday it almost felt like a family meetinng there, hehe! :)

Ah, the glorious feeling a festival gives you! :o)

It's always like that. No matter what festival you
go to, you get the feeling of belonging, almost
like a family. I love it. And I think I read
somewhere that last year it was a bit different
at the Inferno. This year more people realized it
wasn't just a bunch of gigs, but a _festival_ :o)
Yup, it was a really nice atmosphere there! :-) But about family meeting; that was because of all my realtives being there. Just missed my oldest brother and my youngest cousing, and we would have been all of my generation on my mothers side of the family! :) (But then, we are not that many...) :-)
btw. were any of you down in the cellar? with that I mean the little bar under John Dee...
it was fun there :) 'cuz alot of ppl i know where there and we had a TNT party there on saturday :D played only TNT down there right then :D and we even had Trondheims national drink KARSK! :grin:
Originally posted by HellSpawn
we even had Trondheims national drink KARSK! :grin:

You sick, sick people! Hehehe... >:o)
It does NOT taste good, damnit!!! hehe >:oP

Nah, I wasn't downstairs, I had no idea there
was a cellar, how the hell did you get down
to it? I mean, where did you enter? hehe...
what is so bad with coffee and pure 96% boose?? :grin:

well, when you went down the stairs to get to John Dee, when you got down the stairs there was a small entrance that led even farther down... and there it was :)
Was that the stair inside..? -Ah, well i guss it must be, since that was the only open entrance to John dee...?

Karsk? Hmm, haven't tasted that before, but I guess you'd have to like coffee them, and I don't really do that, so... Yuk, and mixed with pure 96?!?! And this was at saturday? In the day? Then you cannot have been drinking that much, cause you didn't seem very wasted around six, or whatever time it was.. :) Or was this afterwards, maybe?

Oh, well, now I suddenly got the urge to boose-party :p :grin:
Oki. Well, I was at John Dee to see the first couple of songs from 1349 (this was after all you other forum ppl had gone - you to the trønder-party, I guess), and then we went to Møller's. -Where I left my nice Inferno 2002 girlie-top!!! :( :cry: At that point I wasn't too steady..... too many nice ppl around, hehe :grin:
Welcome back, Morg!! Nice to see you here again!!

:cry: Yup, I managed to forget it. Looked in there afterwards, but then it wasn't there anymore... :cry: So now I only have the 666 CREW lighter I bought there as a moemory. -But that could be bought at Wolff's Lair, so it hardly counts..... It's still nice, though :D
Yes! Welcome back! Finally :) Are those annoying surgeries over with now? :)

Fjell: That sucks really... I mean forgetting stuff. I know how that feels, sometimes I tend to forget things I just remembered 5 mins ago to take with me....
@Morg: Hope everything went alright.

@Fjell: I agree with what Ansuz said. And what also makes me mad is when I'm looking for something that I'm holding in my hand. :lol: It has happened, I was looking for something for hours once, when I finally asked myself, "What is this that I have in my hands?" And it was what I wasted hours to look for.