pt drum edits, some quick tips clue me in?

There are better guys here than me to give BD advice but if you want to edit manually it is certainly worthwhile to use BD to create separate transients. Then just pop it into grid mode and drag those guys into place. You can then still use BD to heal your regions.
when im tabbing, i reach the end of the edit window a lot, and it wont automatically scroll unless i skip a hit, i've tried every scroll mode
it will eventually end up (every 3 or 5 hits) with the edit cursor blinking all the way on the right side of the edit window, and i can't even see what the next audio is from the transient.....

this bugs the SHIT out of me/QUOTE]

That really pisses me off too. I hate that so fucking much actually.

I'm a manual PT drum editor. Far greater control over things. Make sure all of my drums are in rhythmic mode and my cymbals in polyphonic mode

Tab - B - drag to grid.

Then I go and stretch all my cuts and then select all and crossfade.
The differences are going to bother you for sure joey. I lose my shit everytime I have to work in neundo, which I assume is somewhat l ike cubase.

On my trackball, I've program the top right button to be cut, then top left is select region/chop at next transient/quantize/select previous region and fade.

In 2 clicks I can quantize a piece of audio and fade it.

U just need to spend some time with it, and sooner or later you'll realize something you DO like and it'll fall into place.
when im tabbing, i reach the end of the edit window a lot, and it wont automatically scroll unless i skip a hit, i've tried every scroll mode
it will eventually end up (every 3 or 5 hits) with the edit cursor blinking all the way on the right side of the edit window, and i can't even see what the next audio is from the transient.....

this bugs the SHIT out of me/QUOTE]

That really pisses me off too. I hate that so fucking much actually.

I'm a manual PT drum editor. Far greater control over things. Make sure all of my drums are in rhythmic mode and my cymbals in polyphonic mode

Tab - B - drag to grid.

Then I go and stretch all my cuts and then select all and crossfade.
a work around for the "end of screen but no scroll" problem is:

press R then T

it zooms out and back in, which refocuses the view to your edit cursor

kinda sucks but, at least its on the left hand.
There are better guys here than me to give BD advice but if you want to edit manually it is certainly worthwhile to use BD to create separate transients. Then just pop it into grid mode and drag those guys into place. You can then still use BD to heal your regions.

dont know why i didnt think of this

haha :headbang:
dont know why i didnt think of this

haha :headbang:

haha... were you in slip mode dragging stuff around? yeah that would be brutal! And while you're in grid mode, just hold CMD if you need to drag or trim something off the grid quickly rather than going back to slip mode.

scrolling.. just hold shift to go sideways...
also hitting the left or right arrow key will center the view on the cursor.
i feel like if you just watched someone good put together one track from scratch in pro tools, things would be so much clearer.
With that method though what happens when a hit is early and you shift it over? It'll kill the transient of the next hit.
I hear you but that would be an issue with any manual editing. If you're using the smart tool all you would need to do is grab the edge before you shifted. It would add one click. All of this is assuming you didn't want to use BD for a particular section.....but again, I'm not the guru some folks are but this seemed like the obvious solution to what Joey was describing.
haha... were you in slip mode dragging stuff around? yeah that would be brutal! And while you're in grid mode, just hold CMD if you need to drag or trim something off the grid quickly rather than going back to slip mode.

scrolling.. just hold shift to go sideways...
also hitting the left or right arrow key will center the view on the cursor.
i feel like if you just watched someone good put together one track from scratch in pro tools, things would be so much clearer.

nah i know about the modes

i was saying "why didnt i think of that" because it seems so much easier to make all cuts using BD instead of going through and cutting manually!

yeah i need to watch someone i guess

there's a lot more button pressing in pro tools. drum quantizing in cubase for me, was ALL mouse. also moving about what i see on the screen, all mouse.
i can't get a solid go go go vibe going on

when im tabbing, i reach the end of the edit window a lot, and it wont automatically scroll unless i skip a hit, i've tried every scroll mode
it will eventually end up (every 3 or 5 hits) with the edit cursor blinking all the way on the right side of the edit window, and i can't even see what the next audio is from the transient.....

this bugs the SHIT out of me

another MAJOR thing that is killing pt for me right now, is moving the view around the edit window

in cubase, i click my scroll wheel down, and hold it, this turns my cursor into a hand... just like if you had a peice of paper on a desk and your hand on it, you drag around and the project view follows your hand... same as if you started moving the peice of paper around on the desk...

how the hell do i do something like that in protools? i can't deal with these scroll bars

Being a Cubase guy, I get everything you're saying 100%. People talk about Cubase being backwards, but I think its extremely intuitive. I could not ever get a decent vibe going with Pro Tools no matter how hard I wanted to.
Being a Cubase guy, I get everything you're saying 100%. People talk about Cubase being backwards, but I think its extremely intuitive. I could not ever get a decent vibe going with Pro Tools no matter how hard I wanted to.

i can't get a solid go go go vibe going on

when im tabbing, i reach the end of the edit window a lot, and it wont automatically scroll unless i skip a hit, i've tried every scroll mode
it will eventually end up (every 3 or 5 hits) with the edit cursor blinking all the way on the right side of the edit window, and i can't even see what the next audio is from the transient.....

this bugs the SHIT out of me

another MAJOR thing that is killing pt for me right now, is moving the view around the edit window

in cubase, i click my scroll wheel down, and hold it, this turns my cursor into a hand... just like if you had a peice of paper on a desk and your hand on it, you drag around and the project view follows your hand... same as if you started moving the peice of paper around on the desk...

how the hell do i do something like that in protools? i can't deal with these scroll bars

Try pressing the Left arrow key. It moves the screen to your cursor/selection start.
I think you only need to practice. I spent a little more than 2 hours to learn how to work with BD correctly.
First of all, don't select the whole works only with simple drums fills like pop/hip hop parts.
Select a section where there are same tempo and not particular differences...for example a long double kick part or a chorus etc... cmd+e, It cut the selected region so BD only modifies the hits inside this region.
Open BD, Separate, insert if you are workin' in 4/4, 3/4 or others, insert the quickest note duration of your selection (1/16, 1/32, etc...), capture, set the sensibility so that BD can add the markers on all the transients, select show trigger time, set 10ms. Before separate, you have to check if every trigger time will be the right value where the transient will be.
Example: An hit should be the first note of the next beat so it should be 56|1|000. If the trigger time show that value it will be ok but if it's 56|1|128 or 55|4|800, the transient will be in the bad position. So before separation, you have to check all the trigger times and insert/correct all the trigger times.
Separate, Conform, and Smooth with 5ms of x-fade.
Of course you have to select initially your key track (snare for example), separate it and scroll all the other tracks/groups with p (up) / ò (down) to separate those.
It seems a pain in the ass, but with some practice it's really good
^ same method I basically use, stole it from Murphy.

The "Show Trigger Times" thing is crucial. I can do super complicated sections with BD this way, the only time I ever do anything manually is if BD is being ridiculously stubborn and won't let me add a transient somewhere, which is always because two hits were both too close to the same beat location and it won't quantize two regions to the same place so it won't let you add a marker there.

I never select on the grid either. My basic workflow is like this...

-Select from beginning of first transient in a section to the beginning of the first transient after the section you want to edit.
-Open BD, select Region Separation, hit "Capture Selection" then correct whatever it comes up with to what you actually want it to be (a lot of the time it is off by a beat because your actual selection isn't right on the grid, like if the drummer was a bit early so I select the hit a little before the grid, it'll think my selection starts at "53|3" when really the beat is supposed to start at "54|0")
-Set the appropriate beat division (usually 8ths or 16ths)
-Hit Analyze, slide ruler around until it looks like it's getting all the right hits.
-Make sure "Show Trigger Times" is turned on and set a trigger pad of like 5-10ms to avoid flammy stuff happening (like if you have a ride and snare at the same time, but the ride is a tad early and you are quantizing to the snare, you might hear the transient on the ride twice if you have no pad on the snare trigger point)
-Go through and manually add/remove hits if necessary, usually isn't necessary for me though, probably because I record trigger splats to edit from
-While going through, check the trigger times and make sure all the notes are going to be moved to the right place. If something looks like it's going to go somewhere where it shouldn't, double click the trigger and type in the right location. This is the best part about BD, total control over what's being quantized where.
-Hit Separate
-Go to Region Conform, set your strength settings and hit conform (I always use 100% so I just leave everything at the default settings)
-Play back and make sure everything got moved to the right place, if not, cmd+z twice, go back to region separation and find the hit that went to the wrong spot and correct the trigger time, then separate and conform again
-Go to Edit Smoothing, select "Fill and Crossfade" and set it to about 5ms. I know James likes to use a fade that's half the length of the trigger pad but from my experience, the crossfade is always placed BEFORE the trigger pad anyways, so with a 5ms pad and a 5ms fade, the total distance from the beginning of the fade to the transient is 10ms and that usually works for me.

BAM, perfect drum take ;)
another MAJOR thing that is killing pt for me right now, is moving the view around the edit window

how the hell do i do something like that in protools? i can't deal with these scroll bars

You'll get it down in no time, man.

To scroll horizontally in the edit (or mix) window, hold "Shift" and use the scroll wheel. Super efficient.
You can zoom in and out with the scroll wheel as's either command or option and scroll up and down.....when i'm working...i'll use the scroll wheel to:

scroll up and down through session
scroll left and right through session (shift + scroll wheel)
zoom in and out to regions (option or command + scroll wheel)

It's like 2nd nature to me when I'm I dont even know what if I'm using option or command...hahah