Purchase of new monitors. ADAM A7 vs. ADAM P11A


Aug 14, 2008
Time to buy new monitors, so I think about these two ADAM's.
But I never heard them (don't have them in my local stores), so wanted to ask your advice.

Or maybe something else in this price category?

had plenty of experience with both.
Prefer the A7s myself, but that may be because I'm more used to them
p11a are basically a7 with better bass response and different high end/midrange sound...i suggest to try them both at a store.
to me the p11a are better as standalone monitors, as they do have at least some degree of bottom end...the a7 are pretty thin imho (some will argue they have an accurate amount of bass, but then again, it's hard to mix something you don't hear as far as i am concerned!)
Check also the new adam a7x.
I'm going to buy used monitors, so I don't think that I can find them.

p11a are basically a7 with better bass response and different high end/midrange sound...i suggest to try them both at a store.
It would be great, but, as I say early, I don't have them in my local stores.

to me the p11a are better as standalone monitors, as they do have at least some degree of bottom end...the a7 are pretty thin imho (some will argue they have an accurate amount of bass, but then again, it's hard to mix something you don't hear as far as i am concerned!)
Thanks, this is useful info for me, because I want standalone monitors.
The only thing I'm afraid, don't be the P11A too boomy in untreated room?
they're still not bass heavy by any means, but at least some basic low-end treatment is recommended - for both the a7 and the p11a though.

btw, check out the genelec 8040 too....about the same pricerange, but a very different sound. for me it was between the p11a and the 8040, and i went for the adams, but it's definitely a matter of taste.
genelecs have a rounder sound, a slightly more hyped bottom end, sweeter high end, and the imaging was superb.
the adams are more analytical....genelecs can sugar coat some problems in the mix, whereas the adams push them right in front of you. they don't have that slightly hyped bottom end, and a very different high end response. the stereo imaging is as good as the gennies, but i'd say the genelecs are better at showing the space of a mix, i.e. depth (reverb, delay, front/back staging etc).