purchased cds by Aeturnus(I think) and My Dying Bride

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Aeturnus-Burning the Shroud
My Dying Bride-Trilogy
I had $20 and I wanted to buy some cds.I went to Record&Tape Traders(of course,where else would I go)and bought the cds.They were used cds,so they were both around $7-8.And I just try to buy cds by bands that I'm not very farmiliar with,that way I can find some new music.I'd heard some MDB before,though.The Aeturnus cd is killer,I was thashing to the title track the first time I heard it.Can anyone tell me more about Aeturnus...like how to properly spell their name since I'm too damn lazy to go back downstairs and get it,etc?
I think its doom metal (thats what I've heard). From the songs I've heard it sounds a bit like Opeth (slow death metal, doom?). I just bought like 20 cd's but I think I got a Kalmah cd instead of Aeturnus.
Well, Aeturuns, I guess the AE part is unclear. In Latin, and it's about that, it is pronounced E, as in "ever". Did you ask about that, at all? :goggly: