Pure Shit

Well you gotta start somewhere but why he would make a video and put it on the net? I dont know. These bad covers are getting old though, I wish people would stop posting them.
Not only is the playing horrid, covering CoB with a goddamn Ibanez should be a criminal offense.
hey, i try really hard... i would appreciate it if you guys didn't make fun of my video!
That was shitty haha. I dont like his guitar at all and hes so sloppy. Like he has no idea how to pick its all like really shitty. Good efford but sounded horrible. His tone can be improved by the way he picks everything lol.
In Your Face said:
hey, i try really hard... i would appreciate it if you guys didn't make fun of my video!
Dude it was an awsome attempt, but why do you need to make a video of it? and put it on the net?