Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
A: Moi? Pardon monsieur, je ne compre pas..
Q: Howe many languages can you speak?

A: my native language (italian) and then english, french und ein wenig deutsch. i can understand written spanish and of course the language of mountain dwarves. :p

Q: is there a language you'd like to learn?

A: Well, I think French sounds beautiful, soft, sexy and feminine, it fits well to women's mouths. But when men speak it, it may sound gay or something, because of the reasons above.
Q: Is there any language which you started studying but quit it?
A: French sounds cool, and indeed it is as interesting as english. I chose it as intensive course for my final exams

Q: Why did noone realize Zeanra's mistake? She wrote "compre" instead of "comprends" :p
A: Maybe because french speaking people are gentlemen :p

Q: Why did Northern Viking wrote ~Zeanra's~ name wrong? (without the ~)
A. Err - no. Hurtsalot already when a proffesional guy does it...
Q. Do you have any other piercings?
A. depends on the girl for me...

the ways she moves... her hair... he mouth.. butt...legs...eyes....

like with my lass....its her eyes, those wonderful hazelnut eyes...(and her cute arse! ;) )

Q. is it gonna rain this weekend?
A: Hopefully! It's so damn hot, can't bear it :s
Q: Have you ever been looking for a pot of gold when you have seen a rainbow?

@Northern Viking: 'compre' is right, 'comprends' you use when it's he/she...I think....hmm...nevermind...
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