Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: I took my inlineskate protectors and dressed them to a friend's dog... The poor animal ran around, totally blind and seemed to like it... When we called it, it ran in our direction, ran past us and wouldn't stop... :rolleyes:

Later we bought lots of chocolate and ate until we puked... :rolleyes:
Actually, I hate being bored...

Q: Did you ever cut yourself?
Originally posted by Northern Viking
A: Eeh, are you OK ANEBO?

Not too bad mate..How's yourself today?

A: Cut my thumb once..It was funny, I was a little pissed and very bored..I just thought it was the best thing to do at the time..There were blood everyone and my thumb was drained white..Still have a little scar to remind me.. of me own stupidity that is..
Q: Do you have any piercings? If so why?
A: Yes, having sex with a girl in a car... cop shined the light in and knocked on the window... scared the hell out of us!!!

Q: Ever been caught in a naughty act...
A; Of course... Latest on Roskilde-festival, when me and a girl had it going on in someones tent... That someone and the persons entire camp came back, and opened to see what was going on... Damn... hehehe... They were good people, so they let us continiue....

Q: What´s the most emberrasing thing you have ever done?
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