Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Well, good luck with the Job search and I hope your headache goes away!!!

A: Unemployed right now too. Construction or Computers.... I'll have a job sooner than I want...

Q: What kind of work do you do?
A: That's tough. Freeway. Cruel Intentions. Iron Monkey... I can watch these over and over again...

Q: Any movies you can watch over and over without getting bored?
A: I think it was great... All the people were talking shit about the lovestory. I dont really understand that, because who cares when "the love" is that pretty as the dear senator?

Q: Do you prefer Science Fiction or Fantasy? (Fantasy for me!)
A: Absolutely... fav story... Rats in the Walls...

Q: Were you talking about his writings, or movies like From Beyond, Reanimator, etc..?
A: I know what you're talking about, but for the life of me cna't remember what the name is.

Q: You never saw Reanimator? (best HPL movie translation, IMO)
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