Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: farscape is a bland scifi tv series about a stranded astronaut and his alien buddies. the makeup is rather good though.

Q: is cosmology a worthwile science or an utter waste of time and money?
A. Yes, I like star trek, some of the movies are good too.:D
But, I like science fiction movies better,
Q> What is your favorite Science Fiction movie?
Black out was good
and I would like to see the movie Signs.
and let you know when I see if it was good!
Raw from Eddie Murphy
Saturday Night Live
anything from 1974 until ?
I like most of them until recently.
A. What is your favorite comdien?
A: Nothing except for my love for CDs...
Q: Do you preserve broken CDs into frozen chambers in hope that science will eventually develop something to restore them??

(my last post was JPT - JePayeTyai, in nepali. It means 'Whatever' in a sense... i was replying to the last post in the previous post :D )
A: Not as an actual godform like the christians (DIE!) so called Jehovah... I´m asatru and study the arts of magic, so my outlook on life is based on those teachings...

Q: Do you support the killing of christians and the total annihilation of religious fundementalism in general?
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