Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Greek girls wear underwear... most of the time! (had a greek girlfriend for a couple years... beautiful, but not too bright)

A: Pick any 3rd world country.

Q: Your least favorite color?
You didn't answer my question, and in fact put a question in the answer field. Is everything this difficult for you? Moreover, my question had nothing to do with you, so get over yourself.

A: Yes, I fucking hope so.

Q: If a tree falls in the forest and no one's there, does it make a sound? If so, does Ulver record an album in the clearing? ;)
Of course your question didn't have anything to do with me, and of course you expected a serious answer...
You keep making me laugh there :)

A: Hui, a philosophical question hehe :)
I guess the tree makes a sound, I don't know about the record though...

Q: A nice wood or a nice meadow?
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