Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by NaTaSMAI
Well, now you get to be naked with a bunch of guys. :D

I was trying to forget about that :p:(

A: I used to play soccer for a number of years...but finances didn't allow me to continue :(

Q:mad: Natasmai:
When was the last time you were naked with a bunch of guys?;)
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
A: Why the fuck do you wanna know that????? The opposite sex of corpse!!! Besides, all males are ugly!!!

Q: Are you gay?

A: Not gay, I just thought it would be a funny question, and piss off the homophobes... hehe... :rolleyes:

A: No. If I gave up Milo I would die. Rarely eat candy anyway...

Q: Have a fetish?
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