Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: Tough one...I'll say "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
but it depends on my mood

Q: Favorite series of movies (ie trilogies)?
A: A toss up between this and a guitar forum... because there is lots of activity, and it's intelligent, even in it's stupidity.

Q: If you had to give up the Internet or Coffee, which would you choose?
A: UM because it's UM, and PF [Armageddon PowerForums] because it's mine...
Q: Who likes powermetal??? [i asked biased questions, i know :D ]

[and no, i don't hate UM.. as a matter of fact, i love UM!!! i was not active because i was busy :) ]
A: That's more difficult than the Internet/Coffee thing. I'd probably vote for the Internet...

But sex or music... geez... Why don't you just kill me? :cry:

Q: Would you rather be homeless or insane?
A: Usually when I'm leaving a concert... seeing a band I've really wanted to see...

Q: What do you do at concerts, headbang, pit, or just stare and watch?
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