Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: Yeah I can see your point of view considering it is the middle story in the trilogy:) But im sure it has to have some good points depending on how well it follows the original story:)

Q: Your in the studio soon!!??:D
A: Just that x-mas is over and im finally getting ready to record all the tracks needed in the studio :D Im very happy about this:D It's just painstakingly busy sometimes and i miss getting on here to talk:(

Q: Is there anyhing else new in your life Tal?
A: I hoping for Q2(April-June) of the new year, If things go smooth and ive been doing everything to insure that it will, Then Q2 it will be:D

Q: When will your band be finished with your songs?
A: good question, i am the "little" in the band.. they are all big boys andthey working and stuff like this.. and the drummer still in the army it's problem.. :/

Q: if i will tell you that in the first time that me and my band work together, we did cover to death- symbolic and the drummer do it Exactly like the song, you gonna believe me?
A: Ofcourse, There are alot of talented people out there and I have no doubts about the competancy of those who work hard for they're passion in music:)

Q: Does your band do any live gigs?
A: We may do a few shows after the album is complete in our area then maybe a tour if everything is cool with the label:)

Q: When do you think you will overcome your fear of playing live?
A: Good question, Im doing all the vocals on our new release, But I do all the guitars as well, So Live i may be expected to perform both, Which i have done in the past, But much prefer to just play guitar on stage, Its better for me to concentrate my efforts into one area:)

Q: What do you think?
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