Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by Brutalizer
haha i'm bored! :p
A: :rolleyes: <--- this says it all! haha I forget stuff easily sometimes...and sometimes not. But mostly i do....nevermind! :)
Q: 70's or 80's?
A: Um...80's...no...70's...wait...no....80's...hmm...sheeesh...Both! :)
Q: Growls or clean vocals?
Originally posted by Brutalizer
:lol: Make up your mind! :p
A: Both, but growls mostly.
Q: If you had to choose one, would you be blind or deaf?
A: Grr...not again...I can't choose :mad: Hmm...probably...deaf...'cause you can get all these equipment...but I couldn't listen to music :cry: I don't know...Neither :p
Q: Do you like raisins?
Originally posted by Brutalizer
:lol: Gottcha! ;)
A: Raisins kicks major ass! :D
Q: Do you have a good self-confidence?
:( *shows tongue* :p Oh, and raisins suck major ass :D

A: Self-confidence? Can you eat that?
Q: Do you like strawberries?
Originally posted by Brutalizer

Self-confidence = itseluottamus! ;)

A: Oh yes!

Q: What do you prefer? To watch movies at the cinema or at home?

A: Depends on my mood, seeing them on the big screen is really cool though.

Q: Did you like to dig when you were younger?
Originally posted by BillowOfZeal

A: Depends on my mood, seeing them on the big screen is really cool though.

Q: Did you like to dig when you were younger?

A: I think so...
Q: Are you a builder, a deconstructor or both?
Originally posted by 403

A: I think so...
Q: Are you a builder, a deconstructor or both?

A. Both

q. Have you ever beaten a person so much till he/she might need to go to hospital for first aids and stuff underwards?
Originally posted by Angelwitch

A. Both

q. Have you ever beaten a person so much till he/she might need to go to hospital for first aids and stuff underwards?

A: No, the look of fear and shame upon people's faces always makes me feel guilty. Fighting is stupid anyway.

Q: How long can you stay mad at your gf/bf?
Originally posted by Brutalizer
Self-confidence = itseluottamus! ;)
Itseluottamus...can you eat that?

Try to find my hidden answer :p :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Brutalizer
A: :lol: Who said that it's something you can eat? :p
Q: What genre in movies/film do you prefer?
Me :p ok...nevermind... ´

A: Hmm...horror...comedy....action....adventure....science....almost all.....but no kiss-kiss movies to me :ill:
Q: Have you ever been in love?
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~

Me :p ok...nevermind... ´

A: Hmm...horror...comedy....action....adventure....science....almost all.....but no kiss-kiss movies to me :ill:
Q: Have you ever been in love?

A: I thought I had until I met the one
I'm with now, now I AM in love! :eek:)

Q: Are you in love with someone, or
at least LIKE someone? :eek:) Who? >:eek:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
A: I thought I had until I met the one
I'm with now, now I AM in love! :eek:)
Q: Are you in love with someone, or
at least LIKE someone? :eek:) Who? >:eek:)
A: :eek: Ooooooh....I'm not going to tell....It's a secret. ;)
Q: Have you got hugged today? I haven't :(
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