Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A. I bought 3 over the weekend..
Rage - Unity
Evergrey - Recreation Day
Ferrigno*Leal*Kuprij - Promised Land.

Q. If you could change your hair & eye color, what would you change them to?
A: Not that I recall...under certain circumstances, it must be a humbling and tranquil experience...

Q: Every wanted the illusionary security of living the life of a character out of a fantasy book?
A: Geeky is:
red dwarf shirt
blue jeans that don't quite cover up your white socks and trainers
tucking your red dwarf shirt into those jeans
owning 'trading cards' of any description
owning the entire red dwarf series on vhs or dvd (you are allowed the episode with carcass in it. carcass are metal\m/)
spending all your time on the internet..........
that annoying way that geeks walk becuase they have had their games workshop rucksack strapped over both shoulders too tight since they were 8 years old
having a games workshop rucksack

Q: have you got a games workshop rucksack?
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