L Lhorian addict Sep 9, 2002 5,801 67 48 Over here May 2, 2003 #16,501 A: I would like to think so. Q: Can you tell me if I am right to think that?
NaTaSMAI . Feb 20, 2002 4,722 360 83 Colorado www.ultimatemetal.com May 2, 2003 #16,502 A: I don't know Q: Waffle cone or sugar cone?
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area May 2, 2003 #16,503 A: Sugar cone. Q: Waffles or french toast?
I Incendiare hejdundrande skitsnack Apr 23, 2003 10,307 776 113 May 3, 2003 #16,504 A: Waffles Q: This or that?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,505 A:That Q: Now or then?
Fourka Forget it Mar 28, 2003 1,071 71 48 In a cuckoo's clock May 3, 2003 #16,506 A: Now Q: Cockroach or spider?
ante awwww Jun 28, 2001 6,316 634 113 50 in my mental room Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,507 A: Cockroach Q: do you hate when you are playing chess and you are about to make a move and people who are watching starts to cough?
A: Cockroach Q: do you hate when you are playing chess and you are about to make a move and people who are watching starts to cough?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,508 A: cockroach Q: true seeing or blissful ignorance?
union9 He Who Can Not Be Named Oct 19, 2002 1,794 7 38 49 Australia www.internettrash.com May 3, 2003 #16,509 Cockroach? A: Ignorance Is Bliss Q: Spit or Swallow?
L Lhorian addict Sep 9, 2002 5,801 67 48 Over here May 3, 2003 #16,510 A@ante: Yes. A@sage: blissful ignorance EDIT: Damn network-timeout. A: Spit Q: pear or strawberry?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,511 A: Strawberry. Q: Thought or action?
L Lhorian addict Sep 9, 2002 5,801 67 48 Over here May 3, 2003 #16,512 A: Thought. Q: Vodka or Whisky?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,513 A: Whiskey. Q: Early or late?
L Lhorian addict Sep 9, 2002 5,801 67 48 Over here May 3, 2003 #16,514 A:Late. Q: Daydreaming or remembering a dream?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,515 @Lhorian: That's a tough one A: Daydreaming Q: serene or noisey?
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone amandababypics.tripod.com May 3, 2003 #16,516 A: Serene. Unless I'm at an Anthrax concert. Q: If you could change how long a day is (from 24 hours), how long would you make it?
A: Serene. Unless I'm at an Anthrax concert. Q: If you could change how long a day is (from 24 hours), how long would you make it?
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio lunarstrain.deviantart.com May 3, 2003 #16,517 A. I would make keep week days the same, maybe a 2 or 3 hours less, and extend the weekend days to 30 hours. Q. That's not cheating, is it?
A. I would make keep week days the same, maybe a 2 or 3 hours less, and extend the weekend days to 30 hours. Q. That's not cheating, is it?
NaTaSMAI . Feb 20, 2002 4,722 360 83 Colorado www.ultimatemetal.com May 3, 2003 #16,518 A: Of course not Q: Ever done shrooms?
Steve New Metal Member Jun 25, 2002 11,951 643 0 Fairfield, CT (USA) May 3, 2003 #16,519 A: nope Q: Have you ever been on fire?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site May 3, 2003 #16,520 A: Not to my knowledge. Q: Ever astral travelled? (Out-of-body experience)