Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: A neutral one, surfing most of the day

Q: Have you ever sang in public (you alone, not in a crowd)?
A: Yes... many times.

BTW I would have chosen Swedish too. I would marry a band member and move there. :lol:

Q: What non-metal bands do you like, if any?
A: Plenty, I listen to just about everything. Pearl Jam, Dead Can Dance, Tool, Alice In Chains you name it

Q: What did you dream last night? I dreamt I was in a running competition and my dreams were enshrouded with weird symbols. I love dreams :D
A: I dreamt of killing three people that were robbing my house hehe, didn't feel any remorse for that.

Q: Do you think I'm nice ? :D
A: Cold

Q: Would you kill your mother if she was in extreme pain and was going to die anyway? (too many questions about killing lately, heh).
A: I don't think I am even going to think about this question :D

Q: Would you like to be a ghost?
Originally posted by 403
A: not really

Q: what's the farthest you can spit? :D

A: God spitting is so gross. I went through that stage at school where I used to spit all the time. I think it was some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder :loco:
Somehow I grew up to be a respectable citizen tho ;)

Q: "I only dream in black and white" or "I only see in infra red"?
Originally posted by tcall
A: God spitting is so gross. I went through that stage at school where I used to spit all the time. I think it was some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder :loco:
Somehow I grew up to be a respectable citizen tho ;)

Q: "I only dream in black and white" or "I only see in infra red"?
A: Hamburger with french fries and a diet coke, please.
Q: What do you see when you look through your room's window?
A: A bunch of houses, a school (a horrible school), and the forests way off in the distance. Yes, I live in suburbia.

Q: Do you have a crush on anyone on this board? :lol:
Originally posted by mousewings
A: A bunch of houses, a school (a horrible school), and the forests way off in the distance. Yes, I live in suburbia.

Q: Do you have a crush on anyone on this board? :lol:

A: Yeah :eek:

Q: Let's try again: Would you kill your mother if she was in extreme pain and was going to die anyway?
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