Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

A: My Ruin are a heavy metal band from LA. I think some of their best songs are Beauty Fiend and Heartsick, they're on their last album "A Prayer Under Presssure of Violent Anguish".
Q: Why does Alexi spit on stage all the time?
A: Normally 12am on school night..... if not school night normally about 3 or 4 am
Q: What do you do in the boringness of the night?
A: Listen to metal, post stuff on UM where people are awake and play Diablo II.
Q: If i want to know what Mayhem sound like, which album should i download? the one i dled (grand declaration of war) seemed weird
A: Thats the new Mayhem... A Good album with the original TRUE lineup is the Live in Leipzig the true lineup never together recorded an album :(
a classic by them is De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
A: Just checking some bands i havent heard out, its probably too brutal for my taste but wtf i'm grim and necro anyway :heh::lol:
Q: Should i bring my nu-metal slaying scythe to Stockholm Stadion in 2 weeks and slaughter Murderdolls in the name of true metal when they open up for Iron Maiden?
A: Stupid people are really annoying, my revenge on some of them will be sweet when school begins again and i get on the subway with the mp3-player i hopefully purchased and blast away all the hiphoppers who bothered me with their crappy music all last year
Q: Why does learning to play guitar need to be so goddamn difficult?
A: Yeah its pretty fun, at least those rare times you learn something new that sounds cool, right now im only able to play powerchord stuff but its still pretty fun
Q: Are you playing any instrument yourself?
A: I used to play guitar but i havent played in years.... i dont have time for it anymore
Q: Will you stick to your playing?
A: Im tryin, thats also something i use my spare time in the middle of the nights for, sitting with my guitar and practicing.
Hopefully it will be something useful when ive learned to play harder stuff
Q: How long do you think i need to play to be able to come up with own music and eventually play live concerts and such things? (ive been playing for 6 months now)