_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 16, 2003 #321 A: Oh yeah, now that's three things! You'll be busy tonight I guess Q: Softcore or hardcore porn? (ehh, I'm tired, G'night ... sleep tight )
A: Oh yeah, now that's three things! You'll be busy tonight I guess Q: Softcore or hardcore porn? (ehh, I'm tired, G'night ... sleep tight )
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Jun 16, 2003 #322 A: Dunno, sleep tight btw Q: Anyone heard The Crowns cover of Slayers Mandatory Suicide? serious asskicking
A: Dunno, sleep tight btw Q: Anyone heard The Crowns cover of Slayers Mandatory Suicide? serious asskicking
Eramaajarvi A centipede Dec 21, 2001 3,048 3 38 36 Zgb, Croatia Visit site Jun 17, 2003 #323 A: I haven't. Q: Why did The Haunted make them do it?
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 17, 2003 #324 A: Sowwy, dunno. Q: am I the only one who bores her ass out?
Johanna merciless DEATH Apr 5, 2002 3,239 43 48 Jun 17, 2003 #325 A: Well I dont know really... I know Im always trying to keep my donkey happy and occupied at least... Q: Why is everything so expensive?
A: Well I dont know really... I know Im always trying to keep my donkey happy and occupied at least... Q: Why is everything so expensive?
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 17, 2003 #326 A: to help the politicians buy another summer house in Hawaii Q: my cigarette ran out and it's 22:33...where should I buy?
A: to help the politicians buy another summer house in Hawaii Q: my cigarette ran out and it's 22:33...where should I buy?
bodomite Your Executioner Nov 23, 2001 14,403 207 63 44 yo mamas ass Jun 17, 2003 #327 A: you shouldent u should stop smoking! Q: Why do people even start smoking?
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Jun 17, 2003 #328 A: Because its cool when you are 13 years old and then u get addicted and die of cancer at 55 Q: Why didnt CoB make a music video/single of Mad Cow?
A: Because its cool when you are 13 years old and then u get addicted and die of cancer at 55 Q: Why didnt CoB make a music video/single of Mad Cow?
bodomite Your Executioner Nov 23, 2001 14,403 207 63 44 yo mamas ass Jun 18, 2003 #329 A: Because to do so would be gay Q: Why is no one online lately?
RockBodom Member Jun 15, 2003 405 5 18 39 USA Visit site Jun 18, 2003 #330 A: conflicting schedules? Q: How much caffiene can I handle?
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Jun 18, 2003 #331 A: Dunno Q: I managed to put on a guitar string, arent i awesome?
Johanna merciless DEATH Apr 5, 2002 3,239 43 48 Jun 18, 2003 #332 A: ouch, that just got to hurt Q: Why are (most?) cheese yellow?
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Jun 18, 2003 #333 A: So that you'll be able to know not to eat it easily Q: Why is it that all healthy food taste like crap?
A: So that you'll be able to know not to eat it easily Q: Why is it that all healthy food taste like crap?
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 18, 2003 #334 A: To satisfy vegetarians and their wierd taste (sowwy, j/k ) Q: Why am I start my day with turning the comp on???
A: To satisfy vegetarians and their wierd taste (sowwy, j/k ) Q: Why am I start my day with turning the comp on???
Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Jun 18, 2003 #335 A: Because you're obsessed like me!!! Q: Why do I need like 5 cans of red bull a day???
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 18, 2003 #336 A: because you ran out of coffee Q: Die sooner but happier or die later but alone?
Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Jun 18, 2003 #337 A: SOONER BUT HAPPIER!!! Q: Why did In Flames go "nu"??
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 18, 2003 #338 A: I dunno... Q: they did?
Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Jun 18, 2003 #339 A: Well actually not THAT nu! Q: Why does Kissing The Shadows kick such huge amounts of ass???
_Zsuzsa_ Dumbo Sep 15, 2002 4,563 217 63 40 Helsinki, Finland Jun 18, 2003 #340 A: well...it's Bodom You shouldn't be surprised Q: have you ever been cheated on?