Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

Q: zsu, i was serching the hungarian thread to talk to you in hungarian since you defy me in my quebec thread.. so i foudn my name in the middle of a long text.. cna you translate this to me?

És amúgy azért mert bodomite ezt csinálja, az ne tűnjön számodra felhatalmazásnak, Ő azért tud komolyan is beszélni. Jólvan, tudjuk be a korodnak a dolgot, de Welly is 14 és néha megdöbbentően intelligens dolgokat ír. (szubjektív & kicsit belefáradt vélemény ende)
A: yes...I am away of my home PC....but not away from the internet...must be on the forum everyday...its my second home :heh:
Q: one of my friends here is a techno freak...last time I heard some parts of songs...of course its crap...but some parts are really melodic and would be cool to hear them playing with keys or guitar by alexi...what do you think?
A: There are some techno (like 3% of it) which actually has a progressive vibe to it, that would be really cool to hear played with guitar
Q: So, should you or me practice neo-classical guitar play constantly for 15 years so we can put this idea into play? :lol: