Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

A: hehe, fortunately never. my friends never liked my bf's so they didnt want to get them from me :grin:

Q: how far would you go for your love? how much can you love somebody? are you feeling empty and frustrated without her?
A: I would do anything for the woman i love if im capable of doing it. I love Patty ALOT! and I thinks he knows this :) I feel alone sometimes without her but thats okay because i know i see her soon :)
Q: and u (hahaah see a pattern with me?)
A: I only felt once that so called LOVE. I was just a mere nothing without him, my heart almost broke into shatters when he left (if even for 2 days). When he dumped me I thought that it is the end... but now I know he did a gret good to me.

Q: What would you do If you'd realize that you gf cheated on you?
A: haha, I should stop questioning :lol: ah well...what would I do? Cry...shout...be outrageous and would kill both of them :heh:

Q: have you ever considered suicide? (I mean seriously)
A: Yes alot thinks im my life have been REAL tough before but i have gotten though everything so far and here i am today.
Q: Have you ever become suicidel?
A: nah, I mean never seriously. I have much more responsibility for others and love for myself than doing such a thing.

Q: would you kill somebody If he'd attack you or your family?
A: I don't know... killing somebody is not as easy for a normal human being than in the movies... but if he/she would threatening our lives then yes, I'd kill him/her.

Q: actually how many % do you believe of what you seen on TV?
A: No I dont especially American TV
Q: Why do u feel its difficult to kill... My friend shot and killed someone who entered his house and said it was the easiest thing he has ever done..... i guess for some people its a different feeling
A: No if you kill someone here who enters your home with the intent to harm/ kill you
if you kill them your not violating any laws... its all self defense therefore u dont goto jail
Q: Can we change the subject this is just too freaky for me hahaha