I really just hold out hope for humanity that these people don't actually exist. If they do, this is straight up mental illness that someone decide needed to be treated fairly instead of just fucking treated.
Meditators have had their brains scanned and parts associated with conceptualization and separation of different sensory states lower their activity, indicating a more holistic state of mind being achieved, free from a subject/object distinction. After enough meditation, this state becomes more or less permanent and it's like a bunch of trains of thought and sensory experience flow together without any separation, kind of like an entire day is a single experience without any concept of self to refer to. Everything has an "otherness" with the familiarity of self.

Or you could end up with psychosis and a fucked up nervous system

Social Justice Warriors, i.e. white people who were raised in such a degree of privilege that they can devote their waking life to complaining about how other people who don't have that same degree of privilege are treated.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using one's privilege to fight against oppression.
Social Justice Warriors, i.e. white people who were raised in such a degree of privilege that they can devote their waking life to complaining about how other people who don't have that same degree of privilege are treated.

That's a rather charitable definition, truth be told. I mean, if that were the worst that could be said about the tumblr SJ crowd, there wouldn't be much to ridicule.
Having working class values is a major mental illness, especially when your philosophy on life is basically just an aversion to supposed pretense.
Social Justice Warriors, i.e. white people who were raised in such a degree of privilege that they can devote their waking life to complaining about how other people who don't have that same degree of privilege are treated.

Social Justice Warriors, aka Tumblr-cunts with too much free time on their hands. Armchair activists.