Q's for Theocracy

my favorite food is italian pasta, tacos and burguers :lol:

yeah, i know, im not a member of the band, but hey, i played with them once...............in a dream :headbang:
Sounds like you have better dreams than I do. Last night I dreamt of walking in a park with killer bugs and there were these giant turkeys (like the size of a big dog) that were rolling around on the ground and kept gnawing on my legs. *shakes head* Too much cheese before bed.
Sounds like you have better dreams than I do. Last night I dreamt of walking in a park with killer bugs and there were these giant turkeys (like the size of a big dog) that were rolling around on the ground and kept gnawing on my legs. *shakes head* Too much cheese before bed.

what kind of cheese do you eat???? :erk:
Sounds like you have better dreams than I do. Last night I dreamt of walking in a park with killer bugs and there were these giant turkeys (like the size of a big dog) that were rolling around on the ground and kept gnawing on my legs. *shakes head* Too much cheese before bed.

:lol: lol!
what kind of cheese do you eat???? :erk:

MOON cheese.

including the weird cheese of Escapist??

ESPECIALLY that kind of cheese. Everybody covets that cheese. Even those glowing celestial ants that have been surrounding the moon for centuries. It has to reflect the Sun's light with its face just to keep them at bay. :( But sometimes it gives some to us weird earthlings just to entertain us with the strange chemical reactions in our brains it induces. :D

Unfortunately there's only two cheese teleporters in the world that can pick it up. One in Virginia and one here. :-/
MOON cheese.

ESPECIALLY that kind of cheese. Everybody covets that cheese. Even those glowing celestial ants that have been surrounding the moon for centuries. It has to reflect the Sun's light with its face just to keep them at bay. :( But sometimes it gives some to us weird earthlings just to entertain us with the strange chemical reactions in our brains it induces. :D

Unfortunately there's only two cheese teleporters in the world that can pick it up. One in Virginia and one here. :-/

hey, sounds good, i want some :lol:
I has question.
Any hopes of you guys uploading some of those songs like Rudolph vs. Frosty, etc. for downlaod again? I didn't download all of them when I had the chance, and only have a few... I'm sick of having to stream them over the web everytime I want to hear them, lol, especially when I can't put them on repeat! :(
If it's not bacon, I'm going to cry. So is Harry Dave.

They don't know who Harry Dave is, dear.

My fav food is Papa johns pizza

Ooohhh what kind? If you haven't had the bbq chicken and bacon one (with no onions... it ruins the flavor), then you're missing out.

i played with them once...............in a dream

Like... scrabble? Or as in played music with them?

Too much cheese before bed.

What have I told you about that?

those glowing celestial ants that have been surrounding the moon for centuries.

Lion King amirite?

I has question.
Any hopes of you guys uploading some of those songs like Rudolph vs. Frosty, etc. for downlaod again? I didn't download all of them when I had the chance, and only have a few... I'm sick of having to stream them over the web everytime I want to hear them, lol, especially when I can't put them on repeat!

You should be able to find it there. If not, I'll burn them to cd and hide it in the cheese I send (for I have the other teleporter! Bwuhahaha!). The only ones they don't have there are Skeletor Goes To Mars, the MoS April Fools day teaser, and St. Anger. I only have the first one out of those anyway (hint to anyone else who may).

On a tanget to a tanget, right in the middle of Mirror of Souls, when it starts going "I'm startled to feel, a hand on my shoulder..." am I the only one who expects to hear the April Fools Day version kick in? I might frankenstein them together just for the lulz.
They don't know who Harry Dave is, dear.

What have I told you about that?

Lion King amirite?

You should be able to find it there. If not, I'll burn them to cd and hide it in the cheese I send (for I have the other teleporter! Bwuhahaha!). The only ones they don't have there are Skeletor Goes To Mars, the MoS April Fools day teaser, and St. Anger. I only have the first one out of those anyway (hint to anyone else who may).

On a tanget to a tanget, right in the middle of Mirror of Souls, when it starts going "I'm startled to feel, a hand on my shoulder..." am I the only one who expects to hear the April Fools Day version kick in? I might frankenstein them together just for the lulz.

1) *smacks forehead* Oops. I forget these things...

2) :D

3) Just pointing out how the moon probably really doesn't like the stars...you know, like that quote, "I like you like the moon likes stars." Yeah.

4) YAY!!! I've downloaded all of them...though I actually had most of them...so I should probably delete the doubles...I just got a bit overly-excited...

SO, I must rephrase my question. Any hope of the band putting up the aforementioned tunes not up for download?