
New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
In my book, IT'S OVER! I'm bummed but not surprised. The only thing that resembles Queensryche here is the sound (not melodies) of Geoff's voice. I tried to enjoy it and NOT compare it to any previous QR cd's but I just can't, they lost their edge and sound completely run of the mill. After "Promised Land" it has always been touch and go with them, I even enjoyed "Mindcrime II" thinking it might be a pivotal release for them to come back but this cd closes the QR chapter in MY music book. Oh well, I'll always enjoy the great work they have done, but I'm afraid it's time to put a fork in them!:Puke:
If you ask me they have been done for a long time. I had high hopes of Operation Mind Crime 2. But was majorly let down. Geoff Tates voice even isnt what it once was. So I haven't even bothered with this release.
It's always frustrating when a favorite band seems to evolve away from what you like about them. I started getting worried about QR on EMPIRE. I liked that album as a prog pop/radio-friendly album, but it wasn't what I wanted from the 'Ryche! PROMISED LAND, especially after the hype, REALLY bored me (I remember liking "I Am I," and maybe one other tune, but not like I "like" stuff like "Walk in the Shadows," or "No Sanctuary," or "Operation: Mindcrime," etc). In the past (decade?), it's happened so often with so many bands, i've gotten to that point where I just say to myself, "well, they're welcome to continue doing whatever they want or need in music, but I hope they don't mind if I bow out henceforth."

Fortunately, there always seems to be some other act that's willing to step in and keep me rocking..