Quest for new guitar tones (passive pups, at250+sm57+r121...EVH amp and box)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
every now and then I'm trying to find new ways to achieve cool guitar tones (by "new ways" I don't mean like "wow, that's not been there before", I mean "different from my usual go to approach")....

For this project I was looking for a slightly more vintage feel, not too vintage though, I still wanted it definied and cutting/in your face...
to avoid getting to close to what I'm doing with Alestorm (this is the second band of the Alestorm guy) I chose to do everything differently from what I'm doing with AS...

For AS I'm usually using EMG into v30 loaded Mesa cabs and sm57+m160 or md421, so for this band I chose the EVH cab instead and mic'd it with the AT250DE, an r121 and the sm57...passive pickups (Duncan SH6) in a Gibson an entirely different chain....
I guess people are still gonna say it sounds like a Lasse Lammert tone...and that might be right, after all my taste doesn't change THAT much...but I hope it's diffwerent enough and I really hope it matches the style of the music....a bit more "raw" and "open sounding...

either way, let me know what you think

ATTN: I'm talking about the guitar tone here, not the "mix", as it's not mixed all!
This is just the cue/tracking-mix, so ignore its flaws...let me know what you think about the guitar tone.....

GH Guits
I like it a lot. Sounds great. What head are you running that rig through? Sounds like Marshall

Even in your experimenting clips as with many other here, the drums sound pretty darned good. The drums out of the box, like Superior drummer simply do not sound as good as yours. Do you guys have presets that you load up when working on guitar sounds?
no presets for me...
just some low mid notching, sometimes some high end boosting (talking about kick and toms here), some MH CS compression on the snare, that's it
Good JMP Tone Lasse ,passive pickups (Duncan SH6) in a Gibson FV
Heading towards a Rhodes Tone :)

I think this is the less "Lasse-ish" tone I've heared from you so far (maybe apart from that HM2 Deathmetal tone you did somewhen).
Sounds fucking tits non the less! Really chunky, maybe a tad more highs/air and it will slay in a mix
I think this is the less "Lasse-ish" tone I've heared from you so far (maybe apart from that HM2 Deathmetal tone you did somewhen).
Sounds fucking tits non the less! Really chunky, maybe a tad more highs/air and it will slay in a mix

Agreed (besides the fact that the Orange clip sounds not that Lasse-ish either) !

Love that new tone you got here ! I feel the Green Day thing too :)