question about playing silent night bodom night


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2004
hi, i am new at playing guitar and i am having a problem playing a part of silent night bodom night. right before he starts talking there is a part on the high e string i just can't figure out how to play, i looked at tabs and such but when i play it it just doesn't seem right. is there some certain way to play it or something with the fingers? i am really confused. i would appreciate any help.


this part?
well ale plays under it(along with jaska and henkka), you just have to pick out alexi's part(should be the left speaker) and it sounds like the tab

it can also be played like..



this one sounds more like it
i saw a video for it and it looks like he just taps it. like he's hitting/ tapping it. i have no clue what it is. how do i do that? i am sooo lost.
is he lifting his hand over the neck and back again? just hit the 5th fret, hit the open notes, then hit the 7th with your hand on the opposite side of the neck and bring it back to hit the 8th fret in time

or you can fret the notes really quick if you're talking about this way
ok... i am just really confused. do you know a really easy CoB song? so far the only one i really know is You're Better Off Dead. do you know of any songs easy like that? cause i looked at the rest of the tab and i just suck to much.
i started out with Downfall, first song i ever tried to learn. just practice each part slowly and over and over, then you'll eventually get them. also try black widow....and for some easy stuff, try some Norther songs, they are somewhat easier than bodom's
somebody told me that northern is a copy of bodom...does it is cool?..or just ok?
actually, that part should be play with both of the figures you guy showed combined, its a harmonized riff and both alexi and alexander do together, so it should look like this:


the place im having trouble with that song is when alexi says "we'll watch it swiftly disappear", i cant figure out that part or the end of the solo with the decending triplets, thats a pain in the ass, you guys know those parts?
Start out with downfall play it really slowly at the start, I started with downfall too and I believe it's a great song to start out with.

GOth_fiend I believe there are some tabs somewhere that got the "we'll watch it swiftly dissapear" part right or almost right. Perhaps this tab works for you
there's two ways it can be played just depends on which one you want, you can do it were alexi plays one tab i put and ale plays the other tab i put up. or alexi or ale can play one of them and they the other has to play...



in the live video they play the 5 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 part but in the recording it has all 3 parts
alright, actually i think the reason it wouldn't sound right is cause my guitar was in standard tuning. i tryed tuning it to the d tuning thing and it worked ok. the only problem im having is it says to tune my guitar to c and f on certain strings but my tuner sucks and only has the normal strings so it sounds screwed up. how can i know on a tuner that only shows each normal note on the strings if it is on C or F?
fret a note on the string that is to be tuned to "c" . for example hold down the string on the second fret of that string, this would be a "d" and most tuners have that note. thats one way it can be done although not as exact as just tuning it by ear.
what my tuner has is just a block device thing (i dont know what it is) and then it has some lights that say E, A, D, G, B and when you plug the guitar in it shows in the upper right corner a light saying flat, sharp or tuned, so it has no c or f. so i press the 2nd fret on the string but wont it just say its off tune and then not show me when i am tuned to c?. o_O I'm going crazy! is there some way i can tune it to c on my crap tuner?
yeah just hold down the 2nd fret on each string and tune it that way...

for example, if you hold the 2nd fret on the low E string and tune it so its at E, then when you have the note open it'll be at D...and just do this with all the other strings