Question about printing tape inserts...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Ancient Wind is doing two demo tapes within the next few months, and I have been seriously looking into getting the inserts pro-pressed (or at least pressed in a way thats better than doing it myself); however, all of searches have come up short- I can't find a printer! Does anyone know, or know someone that knows, where to get tape inserts done? Thanks.
That's a good question. I can't help, but have you considered asking another record label directly? I'm sure they can at least point you in the right direction...
I'm sure any label can help you if they're friendly/responsive. It might be worth asking a few and see if you get a choice of printers so you can 'shop around'.
Anywhere that prints stuff will do, something local maybe? Try finding a place that prints digitally as I'm guessing you won't do enough for any other method to be cost effective... Asking other labels where they get theirs done is a good idea.
Yeah, I asked Rainbo Records, but they tend to do "mass" quantities. I am looking for about 70 inserts in total, 35 and 35 (to each band, respectively).
fotmbm said:
Anywhere that prints stuff will do, something local maybe? Try finding a place that prints digitally as I'm guessing you won't do enough for any other method to be cost effective... Asking other labels where they get theirs done is a good idea.

Well, inserts resembling the quality of the Undergang inserts is what I'm looking for (apparently). It would be wise to ask Intolerant Records... I think I'll do that tonight.