Question about printing tracks that use RC Tube


Oct 10, 2009
Hi, just curious about this as I'm currently printing some tracks that used RC Tube. Since I believe that the signal is not affected until it hits the master bus, where the RC Master thing is , and I'm printing tracks that aren't hitting the master fader, does that mean that after the tracks are printed, I need to once again add RC Tube Channel to the track? I think that's how it works, just want to be sure.
Your correct in saying that your printed tracks (assuming your not bouncing them out first and then importing) are not going through the master fader before print. Are you printing tracks with RC Tube on them already? Because if that is the case then no, you do not need to reapply.

But of course you can do whatever you want as long as it sounds good.
RC Tube Channel affects the channel that it's on. It's the character of the RCA tube console channelstrip.
RC Tube Mixbus affects everthing that runs through it adding the character of just the RCA Tube console mix bus section.

RC Tube Channel plugin still works if the mix bus plugin is not present in the project.

IMO VCC has such low cpu load that you probably don't need to print it.
Interesting... so if I printed say a guitar stem that didn't pass through the master fader, which rc Mixbuss is on, then the signal still has whatever RC Channel did to it? So I don't need to throw it on that track again?
it can be, depends on how hard it's being driven. With the full version you can change the calibration and make it soft clip.

Treat the two plugins as two separate plugins. They have different frequency curves and saturation. The mix bus has some slight crosstalk between channels to help with the "glue" effects. Use both if you want to emulate the effects of mixing your tracks on that console.

The channel plugins don't interact with each other if that was what you were wondering about in the first post.
Interesting... so if I printed say a guitar stem that didn't pass through the master fader, which rc Mixbuss is on, then the signal still has whatever RC Channel did to it? So I don't need to throw it on that track again?

This is correct, provided you had RC Channel on the guitar stem you printed (before you printed it), and also provided you simply recorded the stem to another track, rather than bounce the stem and then import.

So your new "printed" guitar stem track wouldnt need to have another instance of RC Channel, but you can leave RC MixBus on the master fader.