Slate VCC Upated to 1.5 New RC-TUBE Console Added

I'd finish project first since its always best idea.. but 1.5.2 is very stable..

We'll be working on Audiosuite version
Steven, was the volume of RC-Tube tweaked at all after 1.5? I'm using 1.5 (not 1.5.2). The Channel and MixBuss version are adding approx 1dB each to the signal. I measured RMS and peak
There is no RMS or peak value change in my tests, I'd send a message to support. 1db is a lot of level.

Hope you guys have checked this out. RC TUBE sounds killer on metal stuff.. brings it to life.

Guys, thinking about buying VCC - what emulations are you finding work best for bass, guitars, vox, drums and master buss? Thanks.

Altough this depends heavily on personal tastes ofc, I notice that I end up using Brit4k on anything that covers the bass-area of the mix (usually bassguitar, drumbus and masterbus), because I feel that it gives a very nice depth and warmth to that area that I just can't get with regular EQ. It also smoothens the high-end a bit.
On middy instruments like metalguitars and synths, I like the US A and Brit N, because they seem to give the mids a bit of an edge that makes them stand out before I start mixing. Technically, I prefer the sound of the Brit N, but it tends to muddy up really fast, so I usually settle for the US A.
On vocals, it completely depends on the voice and the song for me.

Come to think of it, the only console I never seem to prefer is the Trident. Do any of you guys use that one, and for what?

Since the RC tube is still new, I haven't implemented it in any project yet, but I think it's pretty distinct from the others, so I'm sure I will find a use for it in the future :)
The Trident is awesome when you need to add a bit of clarity to something. I've used it on guitar a few times. I used it on an entire mix for one EP I did recently. I love the Neve on the kick for it's huge bass. It's the US A I haven't found a use for haha. I find it much more subtle than any of the others.
I like Trident most of the time. API is nice too but a bit brighter.
I don't use Neve much as it tends to really exaggerate the lows and can make things a bit muddy. I don't find myself using SSL much either.
Not had a chance to try out the new tube model.
The Trident is awesome when you need to add a bit of clarity to something. I've used it on guitar a few times. I used it on an entire mix for one EP I did recently. I love the Neve on the kick for it's huge bass. It's the US A I haven't found a use for haha. I find it much more subtle than any of the others.

Guess I should give the Trident another chance then. It's not improbable that I just skip it every time because I am so used to the others by now. Sometimes it's good to break the habit to find out new things :)

And I agree, the US A is very subtle; I usually push it quite hard to get the desired effect from it. Same with the 4k on the drumbus btw, it gives a nice thump to the kick that I dig.