VCC 2.0

Ok, I was literally just about to buy VCC. What's my best option here? Get it quick and hope I get the upgrade or wait?

Buy it, or wait for a special sale, I don't think it's likely to happen soon. Maybe for easter, I don't remember what slate does for this period of time, we just passed through black friday and xmas/NYE sales.
Bravo Slate. Looks like you're making all the right decisions. I love the direction you're moving towards. I think once you've got everything straightened out, you're really going to be setting yourself up for success in the future. Awesome work!
Looking forward to this update. Use VCC on every mix currently.

After this, I'm really looking forward to that VMS. He put all his people on these updates and VMR, so he had to push VMS to a later date.
I like how he has prioritized the updates.

Good job Slate!
Ok, I was literally just about to buy VCC. What's my best option here? Get it quick and hope I get the upgrade or wait?

I reckon they'll probably do a sale as soon as they release v2.0. Can't hurt to wait a few weeks to see if it's on sale.
Looks really good! I use VCC all of the time, and the hassle of grouping and different sounding oversampling settings were quite annoying to me too.

The API setting has been my favourite for a while, so I'm pretty excited for it becoming even better. I actually don't like the Neve that much personally, it boosts the low-end too much to my taste which confuses my eq'ing. Besides the API, I use the Trident a lot. The SSL is a bit subtle for my taste though it sounds alright, so I might end up using the new one a bunch.

It working inside VMR might just make me get that too... shit.