VCC Released

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Purchase the Virtual Console Collection and Get FREE ilok2

Its been called one of the most anticipated plugins of the decade. The Virtual Console Collection or "VCC" as it's been known, captures the sound of some of the most legendary analog consoles in the industry. Using the VCC, your digital mixer will take on the life and vibe of these great desks and will give your music the depth, dimension, space, and 3D image that you have been craving!

All this week.. Purchase VCC and Get a FREE ilok2

As a special promotion, we will be shipping out FREE ilok2's worldwide until 3/17/11.. a $50 dollar value! You will need the ilok2 to run the VCC and the VCC demo. Don't miss this amazing deal! VISIT the Slate Digital Online shop now:


- The current release of the VCC is only 32bit. In many cases, if you are on a 64bit OS, the VCC will run on a 32bit DAW, but it is not guaranteed. 64 bit versions are expected in approximately 30 DAYS.

- This release is only for Intel Mac. We will have PPC versions which will work on both the ilok2 OR ilok1 in approximately 30 DAYS.

- This release does not include WIN RTAS. We expect a WIN RTAS release in approximately 30 DAYS.

- A fully functional demo of the VCC is available at, but requires an ilok2 dongle.

- If you purchase the VCC this week and you require 64bit, PPC, or Win RTAS will get free updates once the above versions are available.

For any questions, please fill out a support ticket at

Wish I had an iLok2 so I could demo it. How does it sound compared to last year's beta demo? I was really impressed with the demo, wondering if it sounds substantially different or if it's pretty much the same thing with some bug fixes under the hood?
I CAN'T LOGIN AND IM SOOO PISSED. Lol. I have been WAITING for this ever since buying into the VCC BETA! Been using it on EVERY project and fucking LOVING it.

Support ticket submitted but DAMN I just I could LOGIN! I don't understand!!!
Do you have the email where they emailed you the password? I typed it in once and had firefox remember it. Hell if I know what it is tbh
Hey guys! The newest version will sound almost identical to the beta version, if not a bit BETTER.. and it has more oversampling options which will be more accurate of an emulation if you decide to really overdrive the desks.. Hope you guys find that this gives your mixes that last 10% of vibe and depth and width!
Hey guys! The newest version will sound almost identical to the beta version, if not a bit BETTER.. and it has more oversampling options which will be more accurate of an emulation if you decide to really overdrive the desks.. Hope you guys find that this gives your mixes that last 10% of vibe and depth and width!

Great man!!! I bought the beta and been loving what it does to my mixes. Although i don't like it on the master, seems to smear things out and lose some definition but on all other tracks it is awesome :) Digging the SSL on drums and Neve emu on guitars.

I really hope you don't delay the RTAS VERSION more then 30days.

Thank you for an amazign plugin

- This release is only for Intel Mac

Soultrash: It says PPC version will be ready ETA 30 days.

Slate VCC E-mail said:
This release is only for Intel Mac. We will have PPC versions which will work on both the ilok2 OR ilok1 in approximately 30 DAYS.
It is awesome, I don't think it sounds the same at all, less high end and gain when added with the Brit N model. But I like the new sounds alot better. Just finsihed a mix today with the final version. Loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I compared a mix that I bounced the another day, re opened with new vcc and bounced, sounds alot different.
Haven't tested the fix'd version yet but yeah, bugfixes and a fixed Brit N.

€dit: I'm blind tonight, where did I saw 6 consoles? :lol:
Yeah, what's with the seven emulated consoles? Some promo pictures show seven, and some only four.
((I count seven, how did you count six? :lol: )

The version I downloaded is 1.00 so I guess this is the newest one?
Because it has only 4 models.